Yoga “Cobra” often makes 5 mistakes, practice, see early and correct early!

Cobra pose, which should be familiar to gamma people, requires the upper body to be lifted forward and upward, just like a cobra ready to attack.

If snake training is right, it has many advantages: enhance spinal elasticity, nourish spinal nerves, expand chest, improve respiratory capacity, extend the front of abdomen, eliminate excess abdominal fat and activate female reproductive organs.

However, if you don’t practice well, you will severely hurt your waist, shoulders and neck.

Never be soft.

Today, yogi Xiaobian will start from the entry steps of cobra to introduce the anatomical points of cobra in detail, so as to avoid damage to the body due to improper practice methods.

01 exercise step 1: lie on your stomach, keep your feet the same width as your pelvis, keep your insteps close to the ground, point your fingertips directly behind, stretch back, put your hands on the cushions on both sides of your chest / shoulders, and push your hands to the ground; 2.

Pull your elbows inward and backward, inhale, lift your chest forward and upward, slowly lift your upper body upward, exhale, try to straighten your arms, continue to lift your chest upward, slightly raise your head, and look at the tip of your nose; 3.

When exiting, bend your elbows, fall down slowly, and put your hands back on the cushions on both sides of your hips; 02 exercise points extend the spine and avoid thoracic kyphosis.

In Cobra pose, the shape of thoracic kyphosis is very common.

If thoracic kyphosis and round shoulder hunchback, it is not only easy to compensate the lumbar spine, but also make both arms bear too much pressure.

There are two reasons for thoracic kyphosis.

One is the tension of chest muscles, including the tension of pectoralis major and pectoralis minor.

Second, the thoracic vertebrae were not opened during the exercise.

In this pose, the correct way to practice is to inhale and extend the thoracic spine upward and open.

Note: if you feel uncomfortable and squeezed at the waist during straightening your arm, keep it at your own height.

Start the lower part of the trapezius muscle to avoid shrugging.

In Cobra pose, many Jia people often shrug.

On the one hand, it is because the core and both hands and arms are weak, on the other hand, it is because the shoulders do not sink and the trapezius muscle is not activated.

The way to activate the trapezius muscle is very simple, that is, the shoulders are spread back and the shoulder blades are close to each other.

Extend the neck to avoid neck probing.

During the practice, many yoga beginners will show the state of neck probing shown in the picture.

Such practice is very easy to lead to increased neck pressure and pain.

Before entering the asana, first extend the back of the neck, put the cervical spine in the right position, and then enter the asana to avoid this situation.

yogini (yoga_in) elbow clip, activate the back muscle.

The elbow clip can not only activate the back muscle, but also help open the chest better and assist in the extension of the spine.

The pelvis rotates slightly backward to create space for the extension of the lumbar spine.

During the exercise, the lumbar discomfort is caused partly by the excessive forward rotation of the pelvis and the lack of extension of the spine, so we can move the pelvis slightly upward Rotate the tailbone backward and downward to the ground, creating more space for the extension of the lumbar spine and avoiding pain…

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