Show my good figure boldly! Beboldtoshowmyfinefigure!—— Bundchen (Bangchen) with the popularity of yoga in our country, more and more people accept and practice yoga, but most people practice yoga far away from the original intention and intention of yoga.

Practicing yoga is like a portrayal of life.

You will gain as much as you pay.

Experience your ability in asana flow.

Observe yourself during breathing meditation This is the essence of yoga.

Yoga makes you face your heart and feel your true self with your heart More tolerant.

This is the unique effect of yoga and its unique charm different from other sports.

Real Yoga never follows the rhythm of others, but proceeds step by step according to its own rhythm.

The shape of each leaf is different, and everyone’s physical condition is different, You are the most beautiful scenery.

If you insist on yoga for a long time, you will find that your heart is becoming softer and softer.

Your impetuous mood can also be effectively self-control.

Your irritable and anxious state of mind can also be adjusted in time.

Yoga is a beautiful thing worth adhering to all your life.

Don’t be slow, arrogant and persistent.

This is the real yoga.

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