The most complete sequence diagram and introduction of 13 Classic Yoga genres in history, yoga people hurry to collect!

There are many genres of yoga.

Some people like the flowing yoga, some people like the accurate and positive Iyengar, and some people like the strength of astonga! How much do you know about the genres of Yoga? Today’s yogi Xiaobian will briefly introduce these schools and their classic asana sequences.

Maybe some you’ve practiced for years, and some you haven’t heard of yet.

Anada Yoga (Ananda yoga) Ananda yoga is rooted in the teaching of palamahongsa yuganandad and founded by Swami kriananda.

It is based on two basic principles: asana and breathing.

The exercise is gentle and allows students to prepare for meditation.

The biggest feature is that in asana exercise, we pay attention to the stability and firmness related to each asana.

At the same time, it includes yugananda’s unique energy practice (CRIA), which includes consciously guiding body energy to different organs and tissues.

It can control a person’s life energy and chakra, coordinate the body and mind, and make people’s consciousness reach a higher level.

Ashtanga Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) Ashtanga Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) was inherited by Krishna Macha, who is respected as the father of modern hatha yoga, at the beginning of last century.

After 40 years, it was introduced into the West and became one of the Yoga systems popular all over the world.

Astonga is a rigorous exercise, which can exercise the strength, flexibility and endurance of the body in a balanced way.

The practice process focuses on breathing and fixed pose sequences.

This process can improve the human body’s circulatory system, regulate body and mind, and make people refreshing.

The practitioner can also obtain the balance between strength and flexibility, improve cardiovascular function, make the body lighter, flexible and strong, and achieve the effect of detoxification to the body.

Ashtanga Yoga was originally a self practice, also known as Mysore.

Everyone practices these asanas according to their own comfort and speed.

Beginners should choose them carefully.

Bikaram Yoga (high temperature yoga) high temperature Yoga contains 26 asanas.

The practice movements are relatively fixed and will not distract the practitioner’s energy; So that the practitioner will not spend his energy on unfamiliar movements, but concentrate his consciousness on the body and experience the subtle changes brought to the body by each movement.

In addition, the specific breathing mode of hot yoga is also formulated for the reaction of the human body under high temperature, so as to make the effect of practice more obvious.

Hatha Yoga is the origin of all yoga genres.

Any genre we practice now is based on Hatha Yoga.

It exercises your body from scratch.

Iyengar yoga is a hatha yoga course founded and taught by master BKS.

Iyengar, and named after him.

It attaches great importance to the correct placement of the human body, physiological structure, skeletal muscle function, etc.

it emphasizes the accuracy of postural movements, in place, physical and mental emptiness, and has the effect of correcting and restoring the body.

In the practice process, sometimes it is necessary to complete the corresponding posture practice with the help of tools to give people a sense of security, which is more suitable for entry-level learners and people with stiff body.

Yoga_in Jivamukti Yoga Jivamukti Yoga was founded by David life and Sharon Gannon in 1984.

It means “liberation in life” The main feature of Jivamukti Yoga is that it combines elements such as chanting, asana, music, meditation and piety in lively postural practice; there is only one kind of yoga in the world, and Jivamukti is a way to achieve yoga.

Jivamukti Yoga is composed of five main practice items.

Jivamukti includes asana , emphasize love and dedication, listen to the inner voice through singing, and through meditation, let us be our own witness, clearly see our own lack, and practice ahimsa , try not to hurt other lives.

Through this part of practice, let’s understand how yoga works on ourselves.

Therefore, if we want to give Jivamukti a simple definition, it should be the liberation of individual It is a yoga system that has been popular in Europe and America for 05 years and has been spread to China.

It was founded by KaliRay, a world-famous yoga practitioner.

Three yoga is the Yoga Flow combining art and science.

The official account of yoga has inherited the essence of traditional yoga, and has Prana, Asana and Mudra.

As a result, a unique seven level three Yoga system has been formed.

Practicing three yoga can shape a tall and slim body, cultivate a peaceful and joyful state of mind, and enhance noble and elegant temperament.

It can release the tension and pressure of body and mind and return to the wonderful state of natural peace, which is suitable for all people.

Kripalu Yoga (Kripalu yoga) Kripalu yoga was founded by Amrit Desai and inspired by master SRI.


This yoga emphasizes meditation and breathing rhythm.

It focuses on the flow of breathing energy to achieve a more smooth state of body and mind.

Kundalini Yoga Kundalini Yoga has a history of more than hundreds of years in India.

It is considered to be a snake coiled at the lower end of its spine.

Once awakened, it will give it extraordinary cognition and ability.

Only a few yoga practitioners can practice it.

Although there is no prohibition, it is not popular.

Yoga man (yoga_in) Sivananda Yoga (shivananda yoga) Shivananda Yoga emphasizes breathing and relaxation in asanas.

It is based on the five concepts of asanas, breathing, Sava asana, vegetarianism and meditation.

Svaroopayoga yoga focuses on releasing the tension of spinal muscles through various asanas.

It emphasizes breaking through the blockage of the body.

Viniyoga Viniyoga is a balance between breathing and spine movement.

It is believed that viniyoga is very effective in relieving back pain.

There is no strict pose standard and holding time.

Very flexible mobile Yoga depends on Teachers’ own teaching cognition.

Yin Yoga Yin Yoga is a genre that has been maintained for the longest time.

The purpose is to act more deeply on the ligaments, joints and bones of the body.

Absorb your senses and let you know yourself better…

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