The flowing art of three Yoga sequence classes in the famous teachers’ lecture hall in 2021 — spinal healing workshop (October 30-November

A physical and mental healing course born to serve high-end customers meets the spiritual pursuit and spiritual liberation of elite people and successful people, and reconstructs the power of love and happiness.

If your yoga studio is difficult to retain high-end customers, if, as a yoga teacher, you feel that you are always unable to serve and retain those high-end customers, don’t doubt that you don’t have the ability to serve high-end customers Class skills and yoga knowledge to meet the needs of high-end customers.

If you don’t want to be a “Yoga migrant worker” (the teaching time is not worth money, because ordinary customers can’t pay for your high class fees), then come to learn the next three yoga, and really help high-end customers achieve the restoration of body, mind and spirit by losing yoga as a whole, serving 50 customers, The dream of earning 1 million.

Modern people have a fast pace of life, busy work and great pressure.

They rarely have the opportunity to calm down.

Some are confused about life and work, some are too perfect, have no passion, bored and unhappy, long-term desk work, long-term squatting and do not like sports.

These phenomena can easily lead to spinal problems, followed by sub-health and diseases, such as physical stiffness, back pain, shoulder and neck discomfort, lumbar disc herniation, scoliosis, bow and hunchback, Then the blood circulation is not smooth, the breathing is rapid and unstable, the heartbeat is accelerated, the mood is also depressed over time, the immunity is poor, and there are anxiety, tension, fear, sadness, anger, and even depression.

You need a systematic and systematic exercise to repair and heal.

In these three-day courses, you will return to tranquility and joy through the sequential flow of Yoga postural method, the depth and refinement of breathing method, meditation, etc.

Continuous practice will ignite your life energy, make you healthy, calm and positive, fill your life with positive energy, make your relationship harmonious, and then make your family happy.

You will learn that life energy flow is the process of essence, Qi and spirit transformation, as well as the unity of body, mind and mind.

This course mainly focuses on the three parts of body, mind and consciousness, focusing on healing.

By flexible spine and hip and understanding its role, using spine fluctuation, breathing method and India’s concentration and meditation, you can release tension from the body, remove sub-health, and make your breathing stable and regular, clear mind and inner peace.

Master the simple skills and methods of healing the spine and then the body and mind.

Course schedule Day1  * Introduce the characteristics and benefits of triyoga three Yoga system * a set of healing exercises ~ flexible spine and hip *.

Spinal alignment, strength and flexible balance * how to use breathing, printing Focused flow * how to use aids to help different people Day2 * a set of wall assisted inversion and shoulder handstand exercises *.

A set of complete breath control method to purify emotions * magical fingerprints * private teaching methods to help different people enter the line * treatment day3 for insomnia, anxiety and depression  *.

Flow from the first level to the high level *.

Trinity makes the mind focus and inner joy * yoganidra Yoga deep relaxation returns to calm *.

Breathing, concentration and integration into meditation * heal the body and mind through the experience of releasing emotions.

Registration time: 9:00-12:00 / 14:00-17:00, October 30-November 1, 2021 place: Tianyue Lotus Yoga cost: original price 2980.00   Early bird price ¥ 1490 registration consultation: 18638906556 or.

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