The five vital qi mentioned in yoga are not just pranayama

On the way of yoga, we either focus on yoga or pay attention to the yoga breath control pranayama, which is the fourth step in the eight branch Yoga system.

Pranayama, the breath control method, actually refers not only to specific breathing, but to the control of these five vital qi (kinetic energy).

Punala prana, Sanskrit means the Qi of life and the energy of life.

When the eternal organism is trapped in the material world and is forced to accept a short material body, the atomic soul Atma resides in the heart of the material body, surrounded by the energy that supports the body’s activities – the five kinds of life Qi – and floats on it.

The inspiratory process of prana people can be carried out automatically only by virtue of prana’s power.

It is closely related to the nervous system and muscle groups.

It can control the activities of lungs, vocal tract and other organs.


Upwelling Udana Udana can promote the activities of all organs.

It directly controls and affects the parts above the throat such as eyes, ears and nose.


The descending Qi is below Apana’s navel area, where Apana exists.

It goes down naturally, and its function is to provide energy for the kidneys, intestines, genitals and anus.

With Apana, prana can be discharged from the mouth, nose and rectum.


Parallel gas Samana is located in Samana between the heart and navel, which controls the whole digestive system of the human body.

It is the power source of the digestive system.

At the same time, it also adjusts the balance of various systems of the human body.


The role of the universal Qi vyana vayana is contraction and expansion.

The whole human body has the existence of vayana, which controls and stimulates the overall movement of the human body and cooperates with other vital qi.

  Yogis believe that the reason why people get sick is because there are disorders or obstacles in the Qi of life in the body.

By paying attention to and adjusting the operation of these five kinds of breath, we can make the Qi of life unobstructed in the whole meridian system, so as to ensure human health.

Importance of breath operation.

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