New Yoga Life

The difference between Junior yoga practitioners and advanced yoga practitioners!

The biggest difference between Junior yoga practitioners and advanced yoga practitioners is the difference in practice methods.

When a beginner first comes into contact with yoga, mountain pose is an advanced pose, which makes him feel that his feet are rooted.

Any simple action that can be done is an advanced action for him.

When you practice yoga for many years, you can do a handstand or a wheel pose.

For you, It is no longer a primary complex asana, but a fusion of basic asanas.

Yoga Sutra: “shtirasukkhanasanam”    Postures should be comfortable and stable, so “advanced” has little to do with what postures can be completed.

The difference between primary and advanced is more about the state during practice.

You respect the body and meet the body with awareness.

When you maintain primary in a comfortable position, you will feel that practice is the most difficult to adhere to the same action day after day, Year after year, you can’t see the effect and benefit in the short term.

You always want to give up.

When you cross the challenges again and again, find balance in the tree pose and find space in the triangle pose, you don’t make progress for progress, but when your body is ready, you go into the canal and go to the next step of yoga practice, and keep repeating, Learning naturally will penetrate from your skin to your muscles and bones and transform it into your own energy, so as to reap the beauty of practice.

In fact, it is not difficult to repeat one thing every time.

It will benefit your body and mind one more time.

“Advanced” refers to a calm brain and deep breathing to settle your current body ▼ teacher wechat ▼▼ recommend some good lessons and good things in the near future, and enter the selection of yoga products in the lower left corner..

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