The Classic Yoga core exercise posture strengthens the core of the abdomen and gets rid of excess fat!

Strong core muscles can stabilize our body, enhance the control and balance of the body, and let us get stable and powerful support in asana; At the same time, core exercises can also promote intestinal peristalsis in the abdomen and help detoxify.

Persistent exercises can also exercise the vest line we want.

Many people’s understanding of the core is to exercise abdominal strength.

In fact, this is a narrow understanding.

In a broad sense, the core is the area below the shoulder joint and above the hip joint, including the pelvis.

It is a whole formed by the waist, pelvis and hip joint, including 29 muscles, which is the middle link of the human body.

The definition of “core strength” has also been debated.

What muscles are they? Some scholars say that the core muscle group is the area below the diaphragm and above the pelvic floor muscle; Some scholars say that it is the lumbar and abdominal muscles; Some scholars also say that the core muscle group refers to the position from below the human ribs to the pelvis; More scholars believe that core strength refers to the area below the shoulder and above the hip.

But at least it’s not just the ABS.

Yoga is a good way to strengthen deep core and abdominal muscles.

Yoga asana is a whole body exercise, which can establish a complete core.

All yoga balance postures, whether standing, handstand or arm balance, require a stable abdominal core.

If you especially want to exercise your abdominal core, many postures can be used.

Today, I’d like to share a few yoga moves for core exercise, from easy to difficult.

You can choose your own asana according to your needs and add it to your regular practice.

Primary asana cat / cow we usually regard cat cow asana as a backward extension asana, but the abdominal muscles play an important role in supporting the spine.

Even in the bull position, keep your navel inward.

Kneel on both knees, put both hands on the cushion surface, open both knees with the same width as the hip, open both hands with the same width as the shoulder, the thigh is perpendicular to the ground directly below the hip, the arm is perpendicular to the ground directly below the shoulder, separate the five fingers of both hands and compact the ground.

Cat style: exhale, including chest arch back, chin looking for clavicle, eyes looking at navel, back up as far as possible, in arc cow style: inhale, raise your head, hold your chest out, hips up, abdomen tightening, sinking plate style is the most basic arm balance posture.

This is a good way to increase strength for higher postures.

Lie prone with your forehead on the ground, your feet together, your hands on both sides of your chest, your five fingers open, and your fingertips point straight ahead; The toes are hooked back, the heels are pushed back, and the thigh muscles are tightened; Hold your hands on the ground, your body up, slowly straighten your arms and enter the plank.

Intermediate asana boat style boat style exercise core ace posture can make your abdominal muscles stronger.

Sit long in the center of the cushion surface, bend your knees, lift your lower legs upward, tilt your body backward, slowly straighten your knees, close your legs together and tighten them, in a “V” shape with your body, hold your hands flat in front, extend your spine upward, keep your body balanced, and look forward.

Crow pose crow pose is an arm balance pose, which requires strong core strength.

Stand in mountain pose, open your feet the same width as your hips, bend your knees, squat down, put your hands in the front of your body at an appropriate distance, open your hands the same width as your shoulders, point your fingertips straight ahead, lift your hips up, slightly straighten your knees, put your knees near your armpits, and bend your elbows, Lift the heel up, move the body weight forward, slowly lift one foot, and then lift the other foot after the body is stable to enter the pose.

Half moon pose half moon pose is a balanced posture, with limbs extending in all directions and standing upright by relying on your core.

Start the triangle, exhale, bend the right knee, place the right hand about 30 cm away from the right foot, move the center of gravity of the body to the right foot, support the ground with the right hand, exhale, fork the waist with the left hand, extend the body to the right, lift the left leg off the ground, make the left foot parallel to the floor and the right leg perpendicular to the floor.

Straighten your left arm up, in line with your shoulder, and point your fingertip to the ceiling.

Turn your head up and look at your fingertips.

Kneel upside down on the mat, clasp your hands into a cup, put your elbows on the ground, put your head in a cup, lift your hips up, walk your feet forward slowly, point your toes, bend your right knee, close to your abdomen, lift your left leg up, and slowly straighten your legs until they form a straight line with your body.

Lotus support lotus support requires strong core strength to lift your legs off the ground.

You can put yoga bricks under your hands to assist in practice.

Lotus preparation, put your hands next to your hips, exhale, push the floor with both hands, contract your abdominal muscles, lift your hips and hips away from the floor, keep breathing evenly for several times, and then fall back.

Side plate type this is the single arm version of the plate type.

If you want to challenge more, please lift your legs.

When entering the inclined plate, support the ground with both hands, close both feet together, push back and straighten both legs, the body is in an inclined plane, the center of gravity is evenly placed in the core area of the body, the abdomen is closed, the hips are closed, the whole body is opened to the left and upward, the right leg is directly above the left leg, the legs are close together, the whole body is in a plane, the hips are away from the ground, the right hand is extended upward, and the five fingers are opened, Point your fingertips to the ceiling and look ahead.

In advanced pose firefly firefly, flexibility and arm strength are very important.

If there is no core strength, it is difficult to lift, stand, bend forward, open your feet, bring your shoulders to the inside of your knees, support your hands, retract your abdomen, extend your sitting bones upward, sink your hips, bend your knees, start the core, lift your hips, start the front of your thighs, straighten your legs and keep your arms stable, Keep your hips down and your feet up to keep your core activated.

Start with the elbow handstand dolphin, jump up, left leg up, and then right leg up, feet together, look up between your hands, and keep breathing evenly for several times.

Side crow squat, upper body leaning to the left, hands on the ground on the left side of the body, palms on the ground, fingertips forward.

Keep your right arm close to the outside of your left thigh, look up, look ahead, bend your arms to support your body, and place the outside of your left knee on your right elbow.

Inhale, slowly lift your feet off the ground, straighten your legs and make them as parallel to the ground as possible.

Look up ahead, hold on for 3 ~ 5 seconds, exhale, and return to the squatting position.

Warrior 3 you may think this is a simple balance pose, but the challenge is to keep the trunk and raised legs perpendicular to the floor while keeping both hips horizontal.

At the beginning, the soldier slowly moved his weight to his right foot and slowly moved his raised arms forward.

Slowly lift the left leg.

Straighten the right knee and keep the left leg, upper body, trunk, head and arm in the same line for 30 ~ 60 seconds.

Quit and Practice on the other side…

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