New Yoga Life

Parent child Yoga rhythm (10) ~ ~ two tigers

The children are growing up.

They are going to change from “Kitty” to “little tiger”! Practice tiger balance to see if it’s a real tiger or a paper tiger.

The action essentials start with kneeling on all limbs.

First practice kitten style, climb, move your limbs, and do a simple warm-up.

Then, stop, adjust several breaths and guide the child to calm down physically and mentally, so as to better control his body and become a brave “little tiger”.

Take your time, lift your legs first, feel the sense of control over your body balance, and then lift your arms in the opposite direction.

(reverse practice) parent-child interaction and make the tiger cry “ah woo ~ ~”.

Benefits: improve the coordination of limbs, promote the development of the brain, be flexible and strengthen the spine, help the body and mind grow better, strengthen the strength of the core, improve the protection of internal organs, balance control, energy, focus and emotional self-control.

Tips 01 differences between children and adults in practice: adults: tighten the core, Help maintain balance children: play games and practice regularly to naturally and gradually improve children’s internal core energy and concentration ability.

(therefore, the normative requirements of actions should not be too strict, and regular practice is the key.)..

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