New Yoga Life

Jiuhua Mountain Huixuan Zen forest Yoga Yankou

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The hungry ghost, also known as Yankou and Mianyan, belongs to one of the three evil beings.

He is thin, swallows as thin as a needle, and spits out flames.

He was stingy before he died, so he got this result.

A hungry ghost appeared in Ananda’s meditation, which became the origin of the Buddhist “fireworks” ceremony.

Three kinds of hungry ghosts are listed in Shunzheng Theory: 1.

Hungry ghosts without wealth include torch mouth hungry ghosts, needle mouth hungry ghosts and smelly mouth hungry ghosts.

Having no food at all, he often suffers from hunger and thirst.

If he gets food occasionally, he will turn it into a flame and can’t swallow it.


Shaocai hungry ghost includes needle hair hungry ghost, smelly hair hungry ghost and gall hungry ghost.

It specializes in eating pus, blood, etc.


There are three kinds of rich hungry ghosts, including Xici hungry ghost, Xiqi hungry ghost and general trend hungry ghost.

Cannibal remains or handouts; It also includes heaven and man who receive happiness.

The life span of all beings in hell is uncertain.

Some hungry ghosts can live for tens of thousands of human years.

They are inspired by poor karma.

Most hungry ghosts suffer from wandering in the dark and suffering from hunger and thirst.

At the same time, they are also bullied by the powerful in the hungry ghost road.

According to the yogi’s Earth theory, hungry ghosts will suffer from three kinds of obstacles in diet.

First, external obstacles: such hungry ghosts often suffer from hunger and thirst, so they have messy faces, black faces, haggard faces, dry lips and mouth.

They can only lick their mouth with their tongue.

Although they run around for food, the pool water they see turns into pus and blood and can’t drink.

Second, internal barrier: this kind of hungry ghost swallows as thin as a needle, its mouth is as big as a torch, and its belly is as swollen as a mountain.

However, even if it gets food, it can’t swallow because of its thin throat.

Third, accessibility: although such hungry ghosts have no barriers to diet, they will burn into fire regardless of the food they receive, and still suffer from hunger and thirst.

Hungry ghost way all beings are viviparous, and each fetus will give birth to hundreds of devils.

According to the karma difference Sutra, there are ten kinds of karma that make all living beings get hungry ghost news: (1) light evil karma; (2) Speak lightly of evil deeds; (3) To despise evil deeds; (4) From greed; (5) From evil and greed; (6) Jealousy; (7) Evil view; (8) Love Shisheng, even if his life ends; (9) Die of hunger; (10) Die of thirst.

In addition to the common bad karma, the cause of incarnation into the hungry ghost road is also related to the cause of refusing to give alms, stealing or seeing difficulties.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s great compassion is willing to transform the light into “Yankou Neng Ren”, that is, face burning guru, so as to spend the hungry ghosts and all sentient beings.

In this suffering world, Bodhisattvas spread their blessings of “Yankou Neng Ren”, so that they can quickly get rid of the pain and get relief from the suffering of hunger and thirst.

According to the dharoni Sutra of Buddha said to rescue Yankou hungry ghosts, Buddha was said by Bodhisattvas and bhikkhus in the city of kapira.

At that time, Ananda lived alone and practiced meditation.

After midnight that night, Ananda suddenly saw a thin and ugly hungry ghost named “Yankou”, who was burning with fire in his mouth, had a thin throat like a needle and disheveled hair.

Ananda was frightened when he saw the hungry ghost at the mouth of the fireworks.

The Yankou hungry ghost said to Ananda, “in three days, you will die and be reincarnated into the hungry ghost path, just like me!” Ananda panicked and hurriedly asked, “if I will fall into the hungry ghost path and suffer after I die, is there any way to prevent me from suffering?” the Yankou hungry ghost said: “Yes! If you can give hundreds of trillions of hungry ghosts, such as the sands of the Ganges, and hundreds of thousands of statues and immortals pasted on the old custom door of the Brahmaputra tomorrow, and use the Dendrobium utensils used by the people of the Magadha country to give each one a Dendrobium food, and support the three treasures for me, so that I can leave the suffering of the evil way and go to heaven, and you can avoid the suffering of falling into the hungry ghost way and increase my life!” After hearing this, Ananda immediately went to ask the Buddha.

The Buddha told Ananda, “you don’t have to worry and fear.

Those hungry ghosts at the mouth of fireworks are actually the manifestation of Guanyin Bodhisattva for the benefit of all living beings.

I have a convenient method here, so that you can give hundreds of thousands of Ganges sand, so many hungry ghosts, gods and other foods in an instant.” so the Buddha declared for Ananda “Boundless Weide is calm and bright, which is superior to Miaoli tuoroni”, which is also the mantra of changing food widely preached in the Buddhist recitation book.

The Buddha told Ananda: “if anyone recites this mantra, he can satisfy the countless hundreds and thousands of hungry ghosts in the Ganges and the statues and immortals pasted on the Brahmaputra’s old custom door, and make them all enjoy the food of Dendrobium 77dendrobium used by the state of Mogadishu.” Next, the Buddha introduced to Ananda the origin of the teaching and inheritance of the mantra of changing food: “Ananda, when I was a Brahman in my previous life, I received this mantra in Guanyin Bodhisattva and in the world at Weide Tathagata, so I can give countless hungry ghosts and gods all kinds of food, so that they can get rid of their demons and die in heaven.

Ananda, if you can accept this mantra today, the life expectancy of blessings will increase.” At the same time, the Buddha declared and recited the names of the four Tathagata, namely: Nanwu Duobao Tathagata – (to eliminate the suffering of hungry ghosts and get support and welfare), Nanwu Miaosheng Tathagata – (to make the surface of hungry ghosts no longer ugly) Nanwu Guangbo Tathagata – (to make some short and small hungry ghosts tall) Nanwuli dreadful Tathagata – (make hungry ghosts no longer afraid and come to enjoy food) when practicing this method, take a clean bottle, fill it with clean water, put less rice and various cakes, hold the bottle in your right hand and recite the toroni seven times.

Hungry ghosts rush to make hundreds of hungry ghosts in Ganges sand eat.

This is the origin of the “fireworks mouth” method in Buddhism The Dharma of feeding hungry ghosts held in accordance with the Dharani Sutra of rescuing hungry ghosts at Yankou is known as the “Yankou” Dharma.

This dharma takes all beings in the hungry ghost path as the main object of feeding.

When Yankou is released, all hungry ghosts will have transcendence, which has also become one of the Buddhist rites recommended to the dead.

Yuxiu temple in Jiangxi is located in Huixuan Zen forest on Jiuhua Mountain on the second day of October of the lunar calendar (November 6) There will be a Yoga Yankou Dharma meeting, · great merit master: 1000 merit gold / person, set up three big card positions + 3 bags + merit culture and knowledge · follow the hall merit master: 500 merit gold / person, set up one big card position + 1 bag + merit culture and knowledge · when you like more than 100 merit gold, you can set up a super memorial tablet · you can also offer flowers and fruits with happiness, and the amount is unlimited.

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