In yoga practice, what if you bend your hands forward and can’t catch your feet and the old arched back?

There are many forward bends in yoga practice.

Forward bends can not only stretch the fascia chain at the back of the body, but also dredge the kidney and bladder meridians from the perspective of meridians! But many people will squeeze the lumbar spine when practicing forward flexion.

This problem is mainly related to the tension at the back of the thigh! The posterior thigh muscles, also known as hamstrings, are composed of three muscles: semitendinosus, Semimembranous and biceps femoris.

Starting from the hip, across the femur and ending at the knee.

These muscles jointly participate in knee flexion and hip extension, which plays an important role in maintaining pelvic stability.

If the back of the thigh is tense, it will not only cause pelvic tilt back, but also lead to low back pain and other problems! How do you stretch the back of your thighs? The following postures should be practiced more! Action 01: enter from downward dog pose, inhale, move the left leg to the outside of the left hand, exhale, tighten the core, straighten the left leg, hook the toes back, inhale, restore, repeat for 12-15 times, and then change to the other side.


Enter garland pose, rotate the hips outward, inhale slightly from the toes and knees, push both hands to the ground, push the legs straight in place, exhale, tighten the core, restore, repeat for 12-15 times as a group of actions 03 Sitting position, legs straight forward, left hip turned outward, left leg bent, left hand placed in the left knee cover, hands clasped behind, inhale, left leg straight exhale, restore exhale, restore, repeat 12-15 times, change to the other side 04, legs bent, hands on the ground, right knee kneeling exhale, tighten the core, right hip extended backward, right leg extended backward, inhale, restore, Repeat 12-15 times and change sides-   recommend  – Yoga station breathing meditation reading life yoga long press the QR code to pay attention to me..

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