Guru awan: guru yoga of Sakyamuni Buddha

Enlightenment from guru awan  |  Sakyamuni Buddha’s guru yoga, please listen to the Bodhi Heart! In April of the lunar calendar, we will show you the guru yoga of Sakyamuni Buddha.

Sakyamuni Buddha, Buddha Tathagata, his fundamental guru and inheritance guru all contemplate without distinction.

This is Sakyamuni Buddha’s guru yoga.

  While visualizing, imagine a lotus throne carried by eight lions in the air.

There are thousands of lotus flowers on the throne.

There is a sun plate in the middle of the lotus, a moon plate in the middle of the sun plate, and a moon plate in the middle of the moon plate.

Sakyamuni Buddha sits on the moon plate, King Kong sits with two arms on one side, presses the ground seal with his right hand, sets the seal with his left hand, sets the middle of the alms, and the bowl is full of manna.

Sakyamuni Buddha wears three clothes, the clothes of a monk.

  The Buddha’s body glowed immeasurably.

Buddha Sakyamuni observed the word “hum” on his forehead, the word “ah” on his throat, and the word “Hong” in his heart.

The word “hung” in the heart emits boundless light.

Welcome your own fundamental guru, inheritance guru, four Buddhas, Buddha Tathagata, all Bodhisattvas, Arhats and Dharma protectors, and integrate them into the body of Sakyamuni Buddha.

The Sakyamuni Buddha, the Buddhas, the Tathagata and the guru’s three treasures have become indistinguishable.

The Sakyamuni Buddha is the whole of the Buddhas, the Tathagata and the guru’s three treasures.

  After visualizing like this, first bathe the Buddha.

Imagine a big house made of Ruyi Bao and all kinds of babies.

There is a big bath in the middle of the house.

They become many little boys (boys), very solemn and beautiful little boys (boys).

Each little boy (boy) holds a treasure bottle in his hand, and each treasure bottle is filled with Tianshui and manna.

Then imagine welcoming the Buddha from his throne to the pool and bathing the Buddha with manna water.

Why bathe the Buddha with nectar? There is nothing unclean in the body, mouth and mind of the Buddha.

We turn into little boys (boys) to bathe the Buddha with manna water in order to get rid of our own karmic obstacles, troubles and unclean things.

  After bathing, wipe the Buddha’s body with all kinds of beautiful towels for heaven and man.

After cleaning, he turned his blessings from generation to generation into three clothes, that is, the cassock of Sakyamuni Buddha, and offered it to Sakyamuni Buddha.

After putting on the cassock, the Buddha sat back on the throne and sat happily on the throne.

  After that, we will salute Sakyamuni Buddha.

When saluting, first visualize yourself turning into countless bodies that are more than the sand of the universe, and then salute for big worship.

At the same time, think in your heart that from today on, until the end of reincarnation, you are constantly doing big worship.

This is a salute.

  After the salute is support.

Provide for all kinds of flowers, large and small.

The big flowers are as big as a building, and there are also flowers bigger than the building.

All kinds of flowers are provided to Sakyamuni Buddha.

  For lamps, all kinds of lamps, especially the luminous Ruyi treasure.

All kinds of luminous Ruyi treasure are offered to Sakyamuni Buddha.

This is for lamps.

  Offering incense, burning incense, all kinds of incense, those incense with strong fragrance provide for Sakyamuni Buddha.

  Tu, the perfume on the body, support Sakyamuni Buddha.

  For food, all kinds of food are provided to Sakyamuni Buddha, and all kinds of fruit are provided to Sakyamuni Buddha.

  For music, the best music is for Sakyamuni Buddha.

  The seven treasures, including Lunbao, Ruyi Bao, Feizi Bao, Minister Bao, elephant Bao, Ma Bao and general Bao, should be provided to Sakyamuni Buddha.

In addition to these, all the good things on the whole earth are provided to Sakyamuni Buddha; Those with and without masters are all offered to Sakyamuni Buddha; All the high-rise buildings support Sakyamuni Buddha; All the good things on earth support Buddha Sakyamuni and can increase blessings.

This is support.

  After offering, repent in front of the Buddha.

You should repent of the karma you have created from generation to generation, from this life to this life, and from greed, anger and ignorance.

When repenting, visualize the Buddha’s body shining on himself and eliminating all his karmic obstacles.

  Then Suixi.

Rejoice in the merits of the Buddhas, the four Buddhas, all Bodhisattvas, all Arhats, all saints, all Dharma protectors, and all ordinary people.

Rejoice in the merits of your senior brothers and all monks in the temple.

  After repair, please pray for the Buddha to turn the Dharma wheel.

With a golden wheel in his right hand and a conch in his left hand, he offered it to Sakyamuni Buddha and asked Sakyamuni Buddha to turn the Dharma wheel to save all living beings.

In this way, Sakyamuni Buddha will become all kinds of masters, come to the world to spend all sentient beings, and become a lot of good knowledge to spend all sentient beings.

Then ask Buddha Sakyamuni to live for a long time.

Sakyamuni Buddha always resides in this world, our world.

Thinking of him, until all sentient beings become Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha does not nirvana, but resides in this world.

Please stay in the world.

  Finally, all his blessings return to the enlightenment Bodhi and become a Buddha.

  Then, seven for Manza.

“The earth is covered with fragrant flowers and brocade clusters, and the sun and moon around it are strict.

It is intended to provide for Buddha temples and people climb the pure land to pray for use.”.

Xumi mountain, dongshengshen Island, nanzhanbu Island, xiniuhe Island, beigulu Island, sun and moon are all provided to Sakyamuni Buddha, and all the good things on the seven earth are provided to Sakyamuni Buddha.

After supporting Manza, he prayed and prayed vigorously for the blessing of Buddha Sakyamuni and prayed for the blessing of Buddha Sakyamuni.

When praying for blessings, imagine that the word “hum” on the forehead of Sakyamuni Buddha emits white light, and the boundless light shines on his forehead, above his throat, and in his mind there is boundless light.

In the light, countless small Sakyamuni Buddhas enter the parts above his throat, eliminating the karmic obstacles he has created from generation to generation, The karma of killing, stealing and adultery have been eliminated.

The word “buzzing” on his forehead and then imagine the boundless light in the throat of Sakyamuni Buddha.

The red word “ah” (ཨཱཿ) emits boundless red light.

There are more red Sakyamuni Buddha than the sand of the universe in the light, which are all integrated into his throat.

From his throat to his heart, he was filled with red Sakyamuni Buddha, red manna and red light, which eliminated the karma of mouth.

The karma of saying nonsense, provoking discord, scolding and saying beautiful words were all eliminated, and he was blessed by Sakyamuni Buddha, Buddha Tathagata and guru Sanbao.

The word “ah” in the throat, and then imagine the blue word “Hong” in the heart of Sakyamuni Buddha.

The blue light is filled with small Sakyamuni Buddha more than the sand in the universe.

It is integrated into his heart.

All the following in his heart are Sakyamuni Buddha, which eliminates the karma, greed, anger All the karmic obstacles of holding evil views have been eliminated.

  After thinking about the word “Hong” in my heart, finally, Sakyamuni Buddha in the air integrated into his body.

The Sakyamuni Buddha in the air slowly floated over and sat on his head.

He became as big as his body.

When he was integrated into his body, all karmic obstacles and bad things were eliminated, and he became Sakyamuni Buddha.

  Sakyamuni Buddha was integrated into his body, and he and Sakyamuni Buddha became no different.

Guru Sanbao, Sakyamuni Buddha and himself became no different.

Read the heart mantra of Sakyamuni Buddha “dayata buzzing, Muni Muni, Muni Maha, Muni yesoha”.

Heart mantra of Sakyamuni Buddha: dayata hum, Muni, munima ha, Muni yesoha   When reciting the heart mantra, I think of the mantra wheel of the heart mantra of Sakyamuni Buddha in my heart.

In the middle of the mantra wheel is the word “Hong” (ཧཱུཾ) “and around it is” dayata ”   “Hum, Muni, Muni, Maha, Muni, yesoha”, these words are standing.

Imagine these mantra wheels..

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