New Yoga Life

Does wheel Yoga hurt your waist? Master the correct way of exertion

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   Wheel yoga will not hurt the waist, because wheel yoga does not bend the spine, but depends on the strength of thighs and arms, which is completely different from the lower waist in dance.

Wheel is generally considered to be completed by the softness of the lumbar spine.

In fact, this is a misunderstanding.

Relying on the softness of the lumbar spine without paying attention to strength will also damage the spine.

Whenever I see students struggling to push up a rickety wheel pose with their arms, I always feel that their understanding of yoga is too superficial.

There are also coaches from dance who do not know how to teach the use of internal force, let alone the use of thigh internal rotation to protect the spine.

Remember, don’t turn wheel into dance or gymnastics acrobatics.

Wheel pose is a pose that can well reflect the principle of backward bending position.

It is not only a process from rigidity to flexibility, but also a pose that can well reflect the physiological and anatomical structure.

Wheel exercise must be a combination of strength and flexibility, both of which are indispensable.

First of all, we should establish a concept: the wheel is not completed by bending the lumbar spine, but most learners do not understand this concept.

Therefore, many people are injured in the wheel practice, which is also contrary to the purpose of yoga balance practice.

The wheel with safety and internal force needs to effectively use the adduction of the caudal vertebra, the extension of the iliac muscle, the extension of the front side of the thigh, the strength of the internal rotation of the thigh, the foundation of the feet, the extension of the chest, the internal rotation extension of the arm, the extension of the shoulder joint, etc.

together, they can complete a perfect wheel with both safety and internal strength.

Avoid lumbar pain and joint injury.

When you feel like flying, find a safe way.

Wheel yoga practice method 1, supine preparation.


Bend your knees and step on the ground with both feet to keep your legs perpendicular to the ground.

Rush your fingertips towards your toes and put them on the ground above your shoulders with your elbows facing the ceiling.


Inhale, firmly compact the ground with both hands and feet at the same time, push the elbow towards the shoulder, make the shoulder blade flat against the back, and force it back to the spine at the same time.


Push your heart forward and open it.

At this time, your head will roll on the ground, just like a passive head backward movement, but pay attention that your head can bear weight.


Exhale, the whole body enters the wheel pose, and keep the inner rotation of the thigh bone.

When the inner rotation of the thigh is enough, your toes will not be out of figure eight.

How do novices practice wheel Yoga 1.

Lie on a high support and enter wheel yoga.

Some people who don’t have strong arm strength can first lie on a high support and put their hands and feet on the floor before entering wheel pose.

This reduces the movement distance of the trunk and reduces the difficulty.

This exercise can also be used as a warm-up exercise for back bending.


Put two bricks at the corner of the wall and put your hands on the bricks to enter the wheel.

This practice lengthens the arms, makes the chest more flexible and easier to raise and open.


Put a support, such as a box or chair, at the corner of the wall.

Put your foot on it and enter the wheel.

This exercise can get the feeling of crotch lifting.


Tie the two thighs with a rope and enter the wheel.

It’s easy to feel the sacrum joint open.


Use your thigh to hold the brick into the wheel.

This forces the thighs not to rotate outward.

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