New Yoga Life

Adjust the 9 yoga postures with round shoulders and hunchback to quickly improve your temperament!

Bad posture affects a person’s temperament.

The round shoulders are strong, the chest is short, the neck is like a chicken head, the pelvis leans forward, the belly is large, the pelvis leans back, and the butt is collapsed   So don’t let bad posture ruin your elegant temperament.

Share a simple yoga sequence to teach you to adjust your round shoulder and hunchback, improve your posture and quickly improve your temperament.

   Step 1 lie on your stomach, touch your forehead to the ground, keep the skin on the back of your neck extended, bend your elbows, put your palms on both sides of your chest, inhale, lift your chest and legs away from the mat, and retract your shoulder blades to the midline to maintain 8 breaths    Step 2 lie on your stomach, clasp your hands with ten fingers above your hips, straighten your arms, pull your shoulders towards your heels, inhale, lift your chest and legs off the ground at the same time, and keep breathing for 8 hours    Step 3 lie on your stomach, stretch your arms on your side, exhale with your palms facing down, twist your body to the right, bend your right hand in front of your chest, bend your right knee, put your right foot palm behind your hips, keep 8 breaths, and change to the opposite side    Step 4 sit on the brick, hold the belt or towel with your right hand, straighten your arms forward, palm upward, rotate your left arm inward backward, the back of your hand upward along the spine, rotate your right arm outward upward, grasp the belt with both hands, pull each other for 8 breaths, and change the opposite side    Step 5 lie on your back, bend your knees, keep your knees the same width as your hips, keep your heels close to your hips, point your toes directly in front, put your arms palm down on both sides of your body, exhale, lift your hips up, and keep your hips looking for the ceiling for 8 breaths    Step 6 start from the inclined plate, take a big step forward with your shoulders directly above your wrists and your right foot to the outer toe of your right hand, abduct 45 °, keep 8 breaths and change sides   Step 7 start from the four corner kneeling position, push the ground with both hands directly under the shoulders, step on the hips backward and upward, and step on the heels downward, so as to form an inverted V shape of the body and maintain 8 breaths    Step 8 lie on your back, bend your right knee, find your chest with your right knee, put your right leg through your left leg on the left floor, put your left arm on your right leg, deepen and twist, turn your head, look at the fingertips of your right hand, put your shoulder on the floor, keep 8 breaths, and change sides    Step 9 put the brick in the middle of the shoulder blade and the back of the head to form a T-shaped flip, put the palm upward on both sides of the body, close your eyes and relax for 3 minutes.

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