New Yoga Life

Adhere to this yoga shoulder opening action for 5 minutes every day, and the shoulder opening effect is amazing!

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   When practicing yoga, I don’t know if you have ever had this experience: when practicing backward bending posture, your chest and shoulders get stuck.

When practicing wheel pose, you will always feel stuck in your chest and shoulders.

When practicing arm lifting, the ribs turn out accidentally! If you have all the above conditions, it proves that your chest and shoulders have not been opened, which will not only affect the depth of the posture, but also affect the posture! Today, I share a super effective Yoga action of shoulder opening to you, that is Pug style.

I spend 5 minutes practicing every day for 30 days.

The effect of shoulder opening is amazing! 01 prepare two yoga bricks.

The distance between the yoga bricks is GIF demo width 02 place the yoga bricks close to the wall and vertically place them on the knees, the thighs are vertical to the ground, the palms of both hands are close to each other, and the elbows are placed on the outside of the palms of the yoga bricks to strongly push the wall 03 cooperate with breathing, and the chest sinks to the ground.

Pay attention to tighten the core and ribs to keep the lumbar spine extended, Don’t collapse your waist 04 if you adapt to the above stretching, you can slowly strengthen the stretching range, let the chest down a little more, and get closer to the ground tips: when practicing, you must not force your body to pursue the range, but cooperate with breathing and go deep slowly! The contents of the official account indicate that the copyright is owned by all the original sources (which can not verify the copyright or do not indicate the source)..

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