New Yoga Life

A woman in Fuzhou had an accident in a yoga studio!

Focus on practicing yoga and get hurt by the coach?! Ms.

Jiang in Fuzhou was pushed by her coach when she was practicing yoga in one Yoga spiritual space, resulting in wrist injury and even suspected tumor.

After the operation, Ms.

Jiang hoped that the yoga studio would refund the remaining tuition fees and pay 10000 yuan for compensation.

The yoga studio said: there is ambiguity in the determination of responsibility.

For humanitarian reasons, only the remaining course fees can be refunded.

She was hurt by a yoga instructor.

Jiang told FM all media “awesome power to excess”.

Last October, when she was teaching in the yoga yoga center of Fuzhou yoga, when she was carrying out the “anti praying” action, the coach thought that his action was not standardized and “pushed a bunch.” Two days later, Ms.

Jiang’s left wrist began to ache and couldn’t even take the pot.


Jiang said, “I contacted the appointment housekeeper of the yoga studio.

It took a few days for their boss to contact me, and I added the other party’s wechat.” the anti prayer (reporter demonstration effect) then, the yoga studio boss sent someone to accompany Ms.

Jiang to the national medical hall.

At that time, the doctor diagnosed a slight wrist strain and advised him to go back to rest first.


Jiang, “the doctor told me that many people were injured in this kind of yoga practice, and the recurrence rate was very high.

After acupuncture, the pain was not relieved, the swelling was even bigger, and the surroundings were bruised.

The doctor said to rest for a period of time before seeing it.” the yoga studio sent someone to accompany Ms.

Jiang to the national medical hall.

The visit cost more than 100 yuan, and the yoga studio proposed to let them out, Because she felt that the problem was not big and the cost was not much, Ms.

Jiang paid the medical expenses by herself.

However, during the rest period, Ms.

Jiang found that her wrist still hurt from time to time, but because she “felt good at that time”, she continued to take classes in the yoga studio.

After recuperation, she still had pain.

However, re examination found tumor.

Until April this year, Ms.

Jiang went to the sports injury Department of Fuzhou second hospital to see a doctor, she found that her wrist injury was more serious than expected.


Jiang “the symptoms did not ease after taking the medicine.

In July, I made an appointment with the chief expert of the municipal second-hand foot display department.

He suggested me to take a film and made an appointment for magnetic resonance twice.

Then the doctor said, I have more than one problem.” according to the admission record of Ms.

Jiang in the second hospital of Fuzhou, the doctor judged that Ms.

Jiang has dislocation of her wrist, ligament damage The cartilage disc was damaged, and a suspected giant cell tumor of tendon sheath was found, so she was advised to operate.

Due to waiting for beds and medical equipment, Ms.

Jiang did not have an operation until August this year, and the operation cost was more than 20000 yuan.


Jiang’s injury.


Jiang “when the doctor said he would have an operation, I fed it back to the owner of the yoga studio.

She said that the tumor must have nothing to do with the yoga studio, so she pushed the responsibility completely and didn’t think of a penny.” Ms.

Jiang’s discharge diagnosis in the second hospital of Fuzhou.

Now, Ms.

Jiang still has steel plates and needles in her wrists, her joints become very stiff, and her wrists can’t turn over, A year later, a second operation is needed.


Jiang believed that this was caused by the coach pushing her at that time.

She hoped that the yoga studio would bear the corresponding responsibility, refund the remaining course fees of more than 4000 yuan, and bear all medical expenses, but it was rejected by the yoga studio.

The cost of Ms.

Jiang’s operation Yoga Studio: there was ambiguity in the responsibility determination.

FM all media reporter Shou Ming then contacted Ms.

He, the relevant person in charge of Fuzhou one Yoga spiritual space.


He said that when the incident just happened, they sent someone to accompany Ms.

Jiang to the national medical hall.

At that time, the doctor diagnosed “slight strain”.

They also proposed to pay medical expenses, but Ms.

Jiang refused.


He believes that it has happened for a year.

Now Ms.

Jiang puts the responsibility on them.

They think there is ambiguity in the identification of responsibility mentioned by Ms.



He “from the whole incident and the diagnosis results, there is no direct causal relationship.

I think we should be effectively identified by a third party or judge whether we are responsible through legal channels.” Ms.

He also said that Ms.

Jiang’s wrist injury occurred a year ago.

When they sent someone to accompany Ms.

Jiang to the hospital, it was just a “strain”, “It’s been a year now.

I don’t know what to do in my personal life or daily life.” for humanitarian reasons, they can only refund Ms.

Jiang’s remaining course fees.


He “She now says that the awesome strain at that time caused a long cut and two operations and rehabilitation, all because of our cause.

She suggested that she should identify the responsibility through a formal way.” Zhou Lin, a special lawyer and lawyer of Fujian XinShiTong law firm, said that first of all, we can confirm that the yoga instructor pushed Ms.

Jiang and injured her wrist.

This can be proved by sending someone from the yoga studio to accompany Ms.

Jiang to the national medical hall for diagnosis and treatment.

Lawyer Zhou suggested that Ms.

Jiang take the legal path and believed that the burden of proof lay in the yoga studio.

Lawyer Zhou “If the Yoga court feels that they are not caused by the awesome prosecution, it is possible to give a causality identification so that the judiciary can identify whether the consequences of the injury are related to the action of the push, or how large the causality is, and the court will make a judgment based on this appraisal.” Will also continue to pay attention! End reporter: Shouming responsible editor: Chaoyi this article is the original manuscript of Fujian FM all media.

It is not allowed to be published without authorization.

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