7 yoga moves to reduce the stomach and reduce the waist circumference by 3cm in 4 days!

Work pressure is increasing, and the boss is squeezing more and more time.

We don’t have time to go to the gym, we know more and more about the fat on our waist, and life is becoming more and more uncomfortable because of the shape distortion.

Today, Xiaobian will recommend seven yoga moves that can be done at home anytime and anywhere.

These seven yoga moves can not only relax the whole muscles and joints of our body and promote the blood circulation of our body, but also quickly burn our small stomach, reduce our waist circumference and create a perfect small waist.


Bend back A.

keep your upper body straight, keep standing, put your hands on both sides of your thighs, exhale, and lean back slowly; b.

Lift your feet up slowly and keep your balance with the help of your feet until your hands are close to the side of the window; c.

Keep the action for 30-60 seconds and repeat the action for 5 times.



Mari twist A.

sit on the ground, bend the left leg and place it on the ground, lift the right leg and bend the knee, place the left hand on the right knee, and open the five fingers of the right hand on the floor to maintain the balance of the body; b.

Exhale, tighten your abdomen and turn your head to the right.

Exhale evenly throughout the process; c.

Keep the action for 30-60 seconds, practice on the other side and repeat the action five times.


King dance A.

keep standing position, put both hands on both sides of thighs, exhale, bend right knee and slowly lift right foot; b.

Tighten your abdomen, keep breathing evenly, put your hands together upward, put your right foot on your right arm, and stretch your right foot upward as much as possible; c.

Keep the action for 30-60 seconds, practice on the other side and repeat the action 5 times.


Cobra A.

lie prone on the ground first, look at the front, separate your feet, stick your hands to the ground, and slowly lift your upper body with the help of your feet and hands; b.

Keep breathing evenly, tighten your abdomen, and lift your feet slowly upward until your whole body is suspended in the air to maintain balance; c.

Keep the action for 30-60 seconds and repeat the action for 5 times.



first, keep the triangular standing movement, spread your legs parallel to your shoulders, turn your whole body to the right, and slowly tilt your head and hands back from both sides; b.

Bend the right knee, tighten the abdomen, keep breathing evenly, lift the right foot slowly and keep the balance of the whole body.


keep the action for 30-60 seconds, practice on the other side and repeat the action for 5 times.


Stand and stretch one leg A.

keep your body standing, hold the railing with both hands, slowly lift your right leg and stick to the railing, tighten your abdomen and keep breathing evenly; b.

Lift your left foot slowly and keep your balance with the help of your left foot and hand; c.

Keep the action for 30-60 seconds, practice on the other side and repeat the action 5 times.


Sit up and lean back A.

keep the sitting position, tighten the abdomen, keep breathing evenly, and try to lean back slowly with both hands and upper body; b.

Keep your legs crossed or stretched straight, and keep your whole body balanced; c.

Keep the action for 30-60 seconds and repeat the action for 5 times.

Seven yoga moves are linked.

I believe everyone has been sweating and relaxed.

It’s almost the Spring Festival.

I hope all working people will also take time to practice yoga and shape a perfect body for themselves# Guess you want to see # * 10 variants of yoga, flexible spine, strengthening back, core * yoga, shoulder opening is very important, and strengthening the stability of shoulder joint is more important! [Disclaimer: we respect the originality.

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