New Yoga Life

4 “sitting yoga” to let your belly lose weight!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us!    Let you sit and lose weight! The best choice for OL now people’s life is so busy.

They are at work most of the time.

They don’t have the energy to go to the gym after work.

Also, because they are sedentary, the meat on their waist is rising day by day.

Today Xiaobian will take you to see sitting yoga to make you sit thin.

It’s the best choice for ol.


Simple sitting method: simple sitting is a comfortable sitting posture.

You can adjust your sitting posture according to your needs.

For example, you can sit cross legged on a cushion.

If you have a knee disease, you can straighten one leg or both legs forward: sit on the ground and straighten both legs forward; Bend the right leg and put the right leg on the heel of the left thigh; Bend the left leg and put the left leg under the right thigh; You can make a handprint on your hands and put them on your knees.

It’s best to fold your hands and put your thumbs on your legs.

Note: sitting in this position can increase by 10 minutes and 20 minutes.


Single lotus sitting method: sit on the ground with a small cushion for stability and straighten your legs forward; Bend the right lower leg and put the right foot firmly on the inner side of the left thigh; Bend your left leg and put your left leg on your right thigh; The shoulders and backs are straight, the mandible is retracted, the hands are overlapped, and the thumbs are placed on the legs relative to each other.

Note: sitting in this position can increase by 10 minutes and 20 minutes.

In addition, people with sciatica and sacral problems are not suitable for this exercise.


Double lotus sitting method: sit on the ground with a small cushion for stability and straighten your legs forward; Bend the right calf and put the right foot on the left thigh with the sole of the foot facing up; Bend your left leg and put your left leg on your right thigh.

The soles of the feet are upward, the shoulders and backs are upright, the mandible is retracted, the hands are overlapped, and the thumbs are placed on the legs.

Note: sitting in this position can increase by 10 minutes and 20 minutes.

In addition, after each meditation, massage your knees, thighs, ankles and calves.


Supreme sitting supreme sitting is considered to be the most important posture.

Yoga philosophy says that people have 72000 meridians, and the Qi of our life flows in these meridians.

Therefore, supreme sitting helps to clean up these meridians and make them unobstructed.

Sitting method: sit on the ground, put your legs together and stretch forward at the same time; Bend the left leg, grasp the left foot with both hands, and firmly press the heel of the left foot against the perineum (that is, between the vagina and anus); Then bend the right calf and put the right foot on the left ankle; Put the heel of the right foot close to the pubis, and the bottom plate of the right foot is placed between the thigh and lower leg of the left leg; Keep your back, neck and head upright.

After sitting down, close your eyes and start looking inside.

Internal vision is actually to use your heart to see everything after closing your eyes.

I saw light when I was strongest.

Generally, people who practice Qigong will see it.

It’s not incredible.

Most people don’t know what to see or what to see, so when you close your eyes and look inside, let your eyes stare at the tip of your nose.

With a goal, it will be much more comfortable.

Keep this closed eye position for as long as possible.

It depends on your personal situation.

Some people may only last a few minutes at first.

When you can calm down slowly, you can persist for a long time.

After opening your eyes, release your feet, rest for a few minutes, and do it again with the other leg.

Note: you can sit down at will, but you must keep your back, neck and head upright.

Efficacy: it is calm and peaceful, and can nourish and enhance the lower part of the spine and abdominal organs.

Enhance the Qi of life.

These sitting exercises are really useful after a long time.

They can not only lose weight, but also promote physical health.

Babies, you might as well try Oh ~ after watching them, let’s go 👍。.

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