New Yoga Life

15 Yoga variants you have never tried, deepen asanas and give you a new feeling! (attached figure)

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us!   Change can not only make the practice more diverse, but also make a great difference in the feeling and effect of practice.

The variant has two feet about one leg long apart, toes outstretched, exhale, knees bent, buttocks vertically downward, hands folded in front of the chest, thumb gently touching the chest to inhale, stand on tiptoe with the right foot, exhale to restore coordination with breathing, alternating left and right, and maintain stability.

The variant has two feet separated by about one foot, the front foot steps on the brick forward, the rear foot outstretched, hands holding the hips, inhale, extend the spine, exhale, and straight back forward and downward, Place your fingertips on the ground to relax naturally, keep 5-8 breathing variants kneeling at three or four corners, with your palms reversed, your fingertips facing your left leg in the back and your right leg in the front, cross place inhale and roll your tailbone, lift your chest up, exhale upward, bow your head and arch your back, look at your navel, pay attention to the controlled extension of the spine section by section, and practice dynamic exercises for 3-5 times, alternating the positions of your left and right legs, variants kneeling on the mat, The knees are slightly wider than the waist, the feet are close together, the toes are hooked back, bent down and extended to the back, the hips sit on the heels, the hands are straight forward, grasp the cushion, open the forehead to both sides, touch the ground gently, keep 5-8 breathing variants, the instep of the left leg is close to the wall, the size of the right leg is 90 °, put both hands on the right leg, stand up and exhale, and the hips look back to the wall, Stretch the front side of the left thigh, keep 5-8 breaths, change the opposite side to practice, and these super easy-to-use variants must also be tried: 1.

Downward dog Yoga downward dog yoga is a posture that is practiced every day.

If you bend your knees slightly and open your hips to the side, you can better stretch your side waist and bend your knees more, which can make your arms extend better.

If you stand on tiptoe, your hips will rise to the highest, What will the body be different? 2.

Under elbow dog pose under elbow dog pose, if you cross or close your elbows, or put your palms up, what will happen to your body? Try to do it.


Small bridge – reverse table.

If it is easier to do small bridge and reverse table, you can lift one leg and increase the difficulty.

The variant will have higher requirements for body balance, core stability and strength.


For the three postures of inclined plate, four column and upper dog, if the rear legs are lifted up, the feeling of the body will be greatly different.

Old Yoga birds often use such variants to strengthen their strength and core.


Cross balance – single leg downward dog pose these two poses can better strengthen the core and hips if the legs want to open sideways.


Wild pose – Warrior 3 – wheel pose, if you bend your knee and one leg, you can better extend the front of your thighs.


The variants of small bridge, horse riding and Cobra will make the extension of the front thigh more intense.


Top dog dog dog horse riding these variants can better extend the side waist and open the chest.


Sit up flexion – toe pose – one leg back flexion.

Have you ever tried supine to do these poses? Feel more comfortable, the effect is the same.


Locust – Crescent – standing back bend if you want to do back bend exercises, you can open back bend better by doing forward bend exercises first.

The same principle can also be applied to other exercises.

The above variants can not only make yoga practice more colorful, but also a small change in posture will make the function of posture greatly different and the feeling of body will be completely different.

You must try.

These variants can be brought into their daily practice to increase the richness of practice.

Yoga teachers can also be added to the course scheduling sequence to make the classroom more diverse.

Please collect them quickly! After you’ve read it, you can watch it before you go 👍。.

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