New Yoga Life

10 yoga poses you can do in the car to relieve sedentary discomfort! Travel, daily travel must learn!

Pay attention, learn and communicate with us, drive for a long time, or take a long-distance bus, your body will slowly become stiff and your blood will not flow smoothly.

In case of traffic jam or sitting on a long-distance bus, it’s better to do yoga stretching! one   Spinal torsion·   Sit upright with your legs together and knees forward·   Twist back and grasp both sides of the seat back with both hands·   Twist from the abdomen and keep breathing 8-10 times.

Repeat on the other side.

two   Lotus seat·   Sit cross legged, hands on knees, palms up·   Touch your thumb and index finger and close your eyes·   Hold for 5 minutes.

three   Stretch hip·   Bend your knees and step on the chair with your left ankle on your right thigh·   Keep 8-10 breaths and repeat on the other side.

four   Stretch cervical spine·   Sit straight with your left hand over your left shoulder and your right hand over your ears·   Exhale, gently pull your head to the right and sink your left shoulder·   Keep 8-10 breaths and repeat on the other side.

five   Sit and bend forward·   Sit up straight with your elbows between your hands, on the dashboard of the car and your forehead on your arms·   If it is soft, fold the upper body down and put it on the thighs, and the head will relax naturally·   Keep 8-10 breaths.

six   Mountain sitting·   Sit up straight, put your feet on the dashboard, straighten your legs, and keep your palms up for 1 minute.

seven   One leg sitting forward flexion·   Bend your left knee and put your left ankle on your right thigh·   Fold your body forward and down and hold your ankles with both hands·   Keep 8-10 breaths and repeat on the other side.

eight   Stretch your shoulders·   Sit up straight, grasp the sides of the chair back with both hands back, and fold your body down·   Keep 8-10 breaths.

nine   Cat stretch·   Cross your fingers, push forward and straighten your hands·   Bow your back and look down at your navel·   Keep 8-10 breaths.

ten   Cow face arm extension·   With your right hand up, bend your elbow and bring your palm to the middle of your upper back·   Press your left hand and your right elbow toward the center line and press down·   Keep 8-10 breaths and repeat on the other side.

These 10 yoga poses can be practiced in the car.

Open the locked body, moisturize joints and muscles, and expel fatigue and pain.

Try it quickly  。.

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