New Yoga Life

The benefits of yoga are more than you think. Two actions will get you started!

For beginners of yoga, there is often a question: can breathing and meditation really regulate the body and even improve the posture? yes


Yoga refers to a series of self-cultivation methods, which is considered to be a safe, low-risk and comprehensive fitness project


Some people’s hip and leg strength is weakened due to long-term sitting, and their posture becomes ugly


In order to help you effectively improve your physical and mental posture, we invited Wang Helin, the e-ryt200 yoga teacher of American Yoga Alliance and the star teacher of Hangzhou and yoga life hall, to give you a live broadcast of the introduction theme of yoga for free! At 20:15 on Sunday, August 8, Wang Helin, a registered yoga teacher of ryt-200 in the United States    Slimming yoga hip leg strength watching live, will have the opportunity to obtain the “Babycare baby wipes + foam shaft” for you


Click the “make an appointment” button below to make an appointment for the live broadcast


Scan the poster QR code and immediately seize the free quota (only the first 3000 people) ▼ wake up the body in only 2 steps – 01 action 1: cat cow picture source: clove online gym kneeling position, knees as wide as hips, hands supporting the ground and perpendicular to the ground


As you exhale, arch your back with your chest and tighten your core


When inhaling, raise your head and keep your chest straight, bend your waist slightly, and look straight ahead of your head


What are the foods that are really good for the stomach? This action can extend the back and flex the spine


Starting from the head, stretch and relax the cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine and sacrum section by section


02 action 2: half a word horse picture source: clove online gym, put your hands on both sides of your legs


As you exhale, bend your knees and lean forward with your weight forward


As you inhale, straighten your front legs to stretch your thighs


This action can open the muscles behind the thigh, let the body stretch, and help reduce stress and tension


The above two movements are not only easy to learn for beginners of yoga, but also make your body relax and stretch unprecedented


Grab the advanced group and watch the live broadcast for free – if you want to learn more about yoga teaching, join us in the live studio of “Lilac online Gym”, and there are lucky draw benefits waiting for you! At 20:15 on Sunday, August 8, Wang Helin, a registered yoga teacher of ryt-200 in the United States    Slimming yoga • hip and leg strength   Scan the poster QR code and immediately seize the free quota ▼


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