Women often practice this yoga pose to maintain their ovaries and thin thighs

Beam angle baddhakonasana   Effect of beam angle: keep the kidney, prostate and bladder healthy; At the same time, it is also very beneficial to women


It can adjust irregular menstrual periods, regulate menstrual flow, alleviate dysmenorrhea and promote normal ovarian function


It can also exercise the hip and remove the fat in the hip


It is an excellent posture for women


It can not only beautify the appearance, but also adjust the inside


You can practice more in your spare time


It is recommended to keep each exercise for more than 1 minute


In addition, the beam angle style is also very suitable for pregnancy practice


It can open the hip and give enough space to the abdomen, which is conducive to natural delivery


Common mistakes and how to correct them 1


If you need to activate your thighs and hips, put a yoga brick between the soles of your feet, with the soles of your feet facing the sky flower board, support your hands behind you and keep your spine extended 2


If your hips are too tight, put a rolled blanket under your knees, relieve the pressure on your knees and ankles, and adjust the blanket to a suitable height, Support your thighs and lower legs




If you can bow your back, use a yoga belt to cover your ankles and lower back near the sacrum


This yoga belt will make your heels as close as possible to the pelvis


Standing straight back can let you go deeper into the pose and stretch the variation of hip and thigh internal and external beam angle




Lie down on your back with the soles of your feet opposite and knees sinking for 3-5 minutes




Do a beam angle pose against the wall and pad a yoga brick between the walls to better straighten the spine and open the chest-


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