New Yoga Life

Why do you suggest that you practice more “universal” bridge style?!

Why do you suggest you practice more yoga  “ Universal bridge?! Because yoga bridge style is not only simple for beginners, but also has many benefits, such as stretching & strengthening waist muscles, improving pelvic forward tilt, strengthening back and gluteal muscles, preventing and alleviating low back pain, increasing pelvic stability, adjusting leg shape, opening shoulder, opening chest, adjusting round shoulder hunchback, opening groin, promoting lymphatic detoxification, etc, Never look down on simple actions


Simple actions are actually safer and more effective! 1


Step 1: lie on your back, bend your knees close to your hips, open your legs, align your knees the same width as your hips, exhale with your toes, rotate your pelvis backward, and slightly retract your abdomen step 2: leave the ground one by one from bottom to top, retract your shoulder blades, and open your chest step 3: after entering the pose, Stay for 5-8 breaths, feel the groin open, activate the gluteal muscles, and then restore to the ground section by section from the thoracic spine to the lumbar spine, and finally adjust the pelvis to the neutral position




Two mistakes to be noted in practicing the small bridge style




Open the knees to both sides


Correct practice method: activate the adductor muscles, clamp the legs to the midline of the body, and keep the knees and toes in the same direction




Error: there is pressure on the lumbar spine, Correct practice method of low back pain: before entering the action, the pelvis must first rotate backward, maintain this position, and then enter the action 3


Five variants of Yoga bridge 1: variant 2: Variant 3: variant 4: variant 5: welcome to supplement! ☟ click the video number below to watch more dry goods


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