It is a very practical yoga posture, which can relax the muscles and activate collaterals, smooth blood gas and relax the body in an all-round way!

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Adhere to yoga, strengthen the body and cultivate a sunny and healthy lifestyle【 [article guide] very practical yoga posture, which can relax the muscles and activate collaterals, unblock blood gas and relax the body in an all-round way! It is said that today’s post-90s and post-00s pay attention to maintenance


They are familiar with various ways of health care at a young age, such as soaking medlar in a thermos cup, yam with red dates, etc., which are all basic operations


In fact, it is not that the younger generation is young and mature, but today’s work intensity is really great


Sometimes it is common to work late in order to catch up with the work progress


Occasionally, we can bear it, but over time, it is easy to damage our health, resulting in various adverse symptoms such as low back pain, physical weakness, mental depression, and even sub-health


As the saying goes, “life lies in movement.”, When you feel unwell and your lumbar spine is stiff, you might as well try yoga to stretch, move your muscles and bones, and stretch your muscles, so as to completely relax your tight body due to sitting for a long time


After exercise, you will feel refreshed and the fatigue caused by work will be significantly reduced


This is the charm of yoga


Although the effect of yoga is remarkable, everything is inseparable from our persistence


Those who travel hundreds of miles, half and 90, regularly arrange their own life, adhere to yoga stretching exercise after work, replenish blood gas, strengthen body, improve physique, and make our lifestyle healthier and physical quality better


Let’s take a look at the simple and practical stretching yoga poses


Health Yoga action 1: simply stand and hold the knee balance type (right) detailed explanation: the legs are close to the middle line, the toes and heels touch each other, straighten the spine, place the center of gravity on the left leg, and slowly lift the right leg upward


Holding your hands under your right thigh can buy back your right toe, make your spine more stable, stop your back and keep three breaths, three, two and one


Health Yoga action 2: detailed explanation of leg separation and large wheel movement: stand in the middle of the yoga mat, greatly separate your legs, rush your toes out, straighten your spine and intersect your fingers


Inhale and turn the palm upward over the head


If the shoulder is tight, slightly bend the elbow


When exhaling, turn the chest to the right first, keep the back level with the ground, move to the left, inhale and stand upright, turn back to the trunk, and repeat the circle drawing exercise


Keep the coordinated operation of the legs, hips and core


When exhaling, move downward and horizontally on the ground, inhale upward


We exhale three times in the opposite direction, exhale from left to down, parallel to the ground, and inhale upward


We can slightly bend the knees and start the strength of the thighs


Exhale as much as you can and tighten your lower abdomen


Health Yoga action 3: detailed explanation of dynamic hip bridge action: prepare the flowing hip bridge, put your feet under your hips, the same width as your pelvis, rush your shoulders directly below, put your hands on your side, and flatten the back of your head


Inhale, press the soles of your feet down, close your hips, lift your pelvis up, and open your entire chest up


When exhaling, the back falls to the ground section by section from top to bottom and the hips


We repeat this flow four times


Inhale, press your feet down, close your hips and lift your hips


Leave your whole back off the ground, open your chest, exhale slowly and fall down your back


Yoga does not need a whim of practice, adhere to the basic yoga movements every day, perseverance can be fruitful【 [disclaimer]


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