Is there a space limit for Yoga? How do you practice yoga at home? You’ll understand after reading it

If you practice yoga at home, you first need a quiet place


In this way, we will not affect our family and will not be affected by our family


If there are conditions, it is better to have a big mirror


In this way, we can see what we look like in the process of practice


Secondly, for those who practice yoga for the first time, they must pay attention to the choice of yoga mat


You can’t choose too thin, because if it’s too thin, it’s bad for our waist and back when we lie down


A little thicker yoga mat is also good for our knees


The key to practicing yoga is not how beautiful its posture is


But that it can help us lose weight


The essence of yoga is to coordinate with breathing through body movements, so as to achieve the effect of slimming us


If you simply do some actions without combining with breathing, you can’t achieve this effect


So for beginners, we don’t recommend practicing yoga at home


Even people who are very familiar with yoga practice


Practice at home is not very useful


If you want to practice yoga at home, you first need to have some yoga foundation


In a quiet, undisturbed place


Spread out our yoga mats and other special appliances


It’s best to have a mirror opposite us, so that we can clearly see whether our actions are standard through the mirror


As for the choice of yoga video, you can watch it on Baidu, or you can


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