New Yoga Life

For the rest of my life, only yoga and reading can’t live up to it!

When life comes to a stage, life will begin to subtract you, take away some of your friends, let you know who your real friends are, take away some of your dreams, and let you understand what reality is


When the soul rises and looks at yourself who is tired of running and becomes a bystander of your life, you can find your rhythm on the road of running, No one is talking to you, but you are communicating


Listen to the rustling Road, see the clouds tumbling over the rivers and seas, enjoy the wind, touch your face, whisper in your ear, and those short sentences you occasionally pick up are today’s harvest


Sometimes, running alone away from the noise is a kind of life and a realm


Life should learn to be satisfied, But don’t be easily satisfied


A contented life will let us realize what happiness is! What is worthy of our sincere treasure! Dissatisfaction will tell us that we can do better and we can go further! Maybe we have a bigger chance- Reading and thinking – two people decide whether to be together because of the outside, and how long to be together because of the inside


Although we have repeatedly stressed that we should not pay too much attention to a person’s appearance and ignore his internal quality, we should also know that few people will find your excellent internal quality through a sloppy appearance that even you don’t care about yourself


Therefore, we not only need to improve our inner cultivation, but also be responsible for our appearance


No matter how you look, yoga for a long time, reduce fat and shape, be energetic, and you can meet a new yourself


No matter what the educational background is, if you read more, you will have a full heart and rich spirit


You will be full of poetry and Book spirit“ What happens if you stick to yoga? “- More and more diligence is certain – Yoga is a process from laziness to diligence


This process will make you abandon more and more bad habits, and even patients with advanced procrastination will be cured


Everyone who adheres to yoga for more than a year will never be a lazy person, “people’s inertia is far stronger than we think!” Do you agree with that? Therefore, these people struggle with laziness every day- The ability to resist pressure will be stronger and stronger – the pressure of modern life is increasing


Everyone has his own way to eliminate pressure


Drinking and playing cards in restaurants, and yoga is also one of the ways to eliminate pressure


It can strengthen the body and improve the external image


At the same time, taking 1-2 hours a day can also relieve most of the pressure of the day, and the mood is naturally comfortable and pleasant


The strength of the body and the change of character will also make all the pressure cloud- Get up early, at least not in bed- Yoga group will get up early, but occasionally sleep in, but at least they won’t stay in bed


Don’t think of the yoga community as so ignorant of human fireworks


It’s just a little more than ordinary people – self-discipline! They know the importance of sleeping and that they have to get up early the next day and do morning exercises, so they arrange their life very regularly, and the daily consumption will also make sleep more stable and efficient, so they will form the habit of getting up early


Yoga is as common as eating and sleeping- Personal charm will be doubled – the change of body shape and the secretion of various hormones will greatly improve their charm value, and the self-confidence gained due to yoga will be different from ordinary people


Yoga will make you a person who understands and can live“ What happens if you stick to reading“ Sanmao said, “when you read more, your face changes naturally


Many times, you may think that many books you have read have become a thing of the past and no longer remember


In fact, they are still boundless in potential temperament, conversation and mind


Of course, they may also be revealed in life and words.”- Reading can stimulate the mind – studies have shown that staying mentally active can reduce Alzheimer’s disease and insanity


Because keeping your brain active and busy can prevent it from losing its ability- Reading can reduce stress – no matter how much pressure you bear at work, in personal communication or in other endless things in life, when you immerse yourself in a good story, the pressure will disappear- Reading improves memory – when you read a book, you must distinguish their tasks, their backgrounds, ambitions, history and subtle differences, and remember the complex complex complex that runs through multiple characters in the story


The brain is a wonderful organ


It can easily remember these things- Increase individual independent thinking ability – when reading, after reading, we always use our own thinking to comment


At this moment, we need analytical ability to define whether it is a good book, whether the character development is appropriate and whether the plot is smooth


If you have the opportunity to discuss the book with others, you will be able to make your point clearly- Improve your writing skills – it will improve as your vocabulary increases: any good book can have an incalculable impact on one’s writing ability


The author’s cadence, fluency and their writing style will affect the reader’s writing


Without rote memorization, the brain has put this book into your memory palace


When you need it, it will naturally appear in your mind


Reading will make you a person with thoughts and stories! Yoga and reading are indispensable! Only yoga and reading can live up to! Yoga and reading are also the most economical ways to improve yourself in the world! Body and mind must always have one on the road! Yoga has little to do with people who don’t do yoga in one day, becomes bigger in one week, and has a great relationship in two months


Half a year is a big difference


Ten years later, there is a gap between one life and another


Reading is an important way to settle the mind


Reading can not only improve people’s temperament and cultivation, but also nourish people’s spirit


Unity of knowledge and practice, be a happy person from now on, yoga, reading, understanding life, and care about body and spirit from now on! In this life, you must have two hobbies, yoga and reading, so that you can become a better yourself! From now on! Be familiar with and close to every road around you and tell them your happiness! The happy lightning told me


I want to tell everyone to give a warm name to every street and road


All yogis, I wish you a healthy body! May you have rich souls! ▼ teacher wechat ▼ recent   Haowen ▼ today’s best yoga instructors are reading it.


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