Yoga beginner’s pain, I understand, help you solve it one by one!

Beginners of yoga will generally encounter the following problems, which will be solved one by one today! Question 1: knee pain


Generally, yoga beginners’ knees are fragile


Many postures may need to put weight on their knees


Solution: use accessories to fold the yoga mat under your knees, or blankets, towels and pillows


Question 2: wrist pain if you have just started yoga and your wrist hurts after a few classes, maybe your wrist is in the wrong position


This is a common problem for beginners


Solution: put the wrist right


In order to find the right wrist position, we first came to the four legged bench


Place your wrists directly under your shoulders and make sure they are parallel to the front cushion


Spread out five fingers and press the knuckles into the ground, especially the thumb and index finger


This can activate the wrist and relieve wrist pressure


In downward dog pose, inclined plate pose, four column support pose and balance pose, it is necessary to ensure the correct wrist position


Question 3: in downward dog pose, I feel weak


Beginners practice yoga, and it’s easy for the weight to come to their shoulders


This is not the right way


It will make your shoulders tired quickly and won’t get the benefits of asana


Solution: make the form right and put the posture right


Step on the ground with your toes, raise your hips, and sit up to the ceiling


Put your heel on the mat


Relax your head, extend your cervical spine, chest and find your thighs


Keep the wrist parallel to the front cushion, and compact the ground with the joints of the thumb and index finger


Question 4: after yoga, your shoulders are very tight


Don’t dig a hole for yourself! Most of us usually have shrugging problems, such as doing downward dog pose for the first time


When you shrug in asana, your shoulders must be tighter after you finish


Solution: sink your shoulders back in downward dog pose with your shoulders away from your ears


To relax your shoulders, try turning your big arms outward and letting your shoulders fall back


Create space for your shoulders and keep them in the right position


Question 5: when bending forward, you can’t touch your toes


When sitting and standing forward, your hands can’t touch your toes


Most of this is due to the lack of flexibility in the lower back and back of the thighs


Solution: bend your knees slightly


If your lower back is tight, try sitting on a yoga brick or a yoga blanket


If it is because the back of the thigh is tight, bend the knee slightly and relax the ankle, which can reduce the pressure and make you better fold down


Question 6: stretch the back of the thigh excessively


Some practitioners will have pains from the hips to the legs because of stretching the back of the thigh excessively


Solution: don’t pull the back of your thighs too much


In downward dog pose or forward bending and folding, don’t completely straighten your thighs, especially in the initial practice stage


Instead, keep your knees slightly bent..


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