Yogawasa “rayof hope” during the pandemics, Prime Minister Narendra modihasaid, underlying that for the study and mental health build through this practice has helped every body from frontline workers to medical professionals, The perseverance and resilience built through this practice helped everyone from front-line workers to medical staff
AddressingthenationontheseventhInternationalYogaDayonMonday,Modisaidyogaprovedtobeasourceofstrengthandpoisetothepeopleduringthepandemic.WhileitwaseasyforcountriestoforgetYogaDayduringthepandemicasitisnotintrinsictotheircultureandnoeventshavebeenorganisedinthelasttwoyearstopromoteit, Speaking at the Seventh International Yoga day on Monday, modi said yoga has proved to be a source of strength and grace during the pandemic
Although it is easy for countries to forget Yoga day during the pandemic because it is not an intrinsic part of their culture, and no activities have been organized to promote it in the past two years, global enthusiasm for it has not diminished“ One of the keying talents of yoga for study in the face of reality
When pandemical appearance, none was ready from the point of view of agility, resources formational strength
Yoga helped people understand and strength to fight the pandemics of the world, “modisad
The theme for this is’ yoga for wellness’
When there is a pandemic, no one is prepared in terms of capacity, resources or resilience
“Yoga helps people build confidence and strength to fight the pandemic around the world,” modi said
This year’s theme is “healthy yoga.”
Common people, doctors and hospitals didymographic model with the effect of the virus
Instances of megasessions covered by doctors and hospitals in the hospital are everywhere, modisad
Breathing exercises like pranayama and anulum villomahave helped to trend the pathogenic systems and this has been picked up now, modisad Doctors and nurses do yoga to cope with the impact of the virus
Modi said there are many examples of doctors and nurses taking yoga classes in hospitals
Modi said breathing exercises like breathing and anulom vilom help strengthen the respiratory system, which has been recognized by doctors and experts
Healsolaunchedm-YogaAppwhichwillhavevideosofyogatrainingindifferentinternationallanguagesbasedonthecommonyogaprotocol.“Itisalsoagreatexampleofthefusionofmoderntechnologyandancientscience.Iamsurethem-YogaAppwillplayabigroleinexpandingyogaacrosstheglobeandinmakingtheeffortsof‘oneworld,onehealth’asuccess, ”He also launched the m-yoga app, which will have yoga training videos in different international languages based on a common Yoga protocol“ This is also a great example of the integration of modern technology and ancient science
“I’m sure the m-yoga app will play a huge role in expanding Yoga globally and making the ‘one world, one health’ effort a success,” he said
He also called on yogis and yogis to spread the benefits of yoga
Modi quoted Gita as well as poets taroua Loire and Rabindranath Tagore
Editor’s note: the pictures are from the Internet
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