Lack of challenge in Yoga Classic “boat style”? Try these eight variations!

On the way to yoga, most students find it difficult to practice yoga boat style, especially the students with weak core who can’t let the sitting bone touch the ground but the tailbone touch the ground; You can’t straighten your back or legs


These are the manifestations of insufficient core strength


But the long-term practice of classic boat style is unavoidably lack of challenge


Today, I recommend 8 varieties to you, and find the core strength in different varieties


There are 8 variants of Yoga boat style ↓ ↓ ↓ 1


Keeping the lower leg parallel to the ground, the bow boat style needs to activate more power of the core




The butterfly boat style has two feet pushing each other, thigh muscles lifting, which requires the cooperation of thigh and abdomen




Embracing the boat style enables the core, and draws the leg infinitely to the chest, and the tibia of the small leg gradually clings to the forehead


4, The right ankle of half lotus boat is on the outside of the left thigh, which needs hip joint external rotation to open




The hands of legging boat cross back, and the upper body is twisted from the chest while the spine is extended




Double compass boat holds the left foot with the right hand and the right foot with the left hand, Extend armpit and twist upper body


In the boat variant exercise, we should emphasize the adduction of the core and the extension of the spine


We should not bend down and bow back, resulting in excessive pressure on the lumbar spine


Have you got the above eight variants? Wechat for teachers   good   Today, all the Yoga people are watching.


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