Can’t the Yoga crow hold up? It’s not difficult to practice step by step

Yoga crow is an entry-level support posture, but for beginners, they will worry about falling forward, their arms are weak, their knees always slide down, and their feet can’t leave the ground


Arm support is mainly strength, usually can also strengthen the arm, the core strength Oh! Let’s share a short warm-up, let you step by step into the crow style, this practice will be much easier! Step 1: Yoga_ In) start from the inclined plate, open your fingers and push your heels backward, keep 8 breathing thighs tight, inhale and lift your right leg forward, arch your back and lower your head, tighten your right knee to look for the tip of your nose, repeat 10 groups, return to the inclined plate, change your left leg and repeat the second step: squat, put your feet together, lift your heels, hold your hands and fingertips on the ground, keep 8 breathing, keep your knees open, Put your hands in front of the mat, fold your body forward, hold 5 breaths, bend your elbows, support your palms under your shoulders, place your knees behind your big arms, raise your weight forward and down, try to lift your heels to look for your hips, your thighs to your chest, your heels to your hips, and your arms to support your posture represents courage


Have you got it?.


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