Why do I suggest you do yoga in spring( With yoga exercises)

As the saying goes, the plan of a year lies in spring, and the plan of a day lies in the morning


In spring, everything grows and flourishes


It’s a good time to practice yoga


What’s the advantage of spring Yoga? 1


Detoxification and beautification make everything recover in spring


In traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is corresponding to spring


The function of the liver is relatively vigorous in spring, and the liver is responsible for metabolism and detoxification, Can achieve the effect of detoxification and beauty




During the Chinese new year, many friends stay at home and lack of exercise


In addition, they eat and drink too much during the Chinese new year, and their weight is going up


In spring, Yang Qi is generated, the activities of Qi and blood are enhanced, and the metabolism of the body begins to be vigorous


At this time, yoga can get twice the result with half the effort




Relieve spring sleepiness


As the saying goes, people always feel sleepy in spring when they are sleepy in spring


Yoga can bring energy, make you full of vitality and relieve spring sleepiness




Enhance flexibility


Spring five elements is a kind of wood, which represents upward extension


Therefore, spring should practice more stretching movements, so that the body which has been sleeping for the whole winter can wake up slowly and enhance flexibility




Improve immunity spring is the season of infectious diseases


Practicing yoga can improve the body’s immunity, enhance physical fitness and prevent infectious diseases in spring


Although spring yoga is good, but the following points need to pay attention to 1, avoid practicing in windy places, spring windy, wind evil into the body easily lead to disease, therefore, practice Yoga should avoid practicing in windy places, pay attention to keep warm and cold, timely increase or decrease clothing




Warm up before practice


After a whole winter, your body will inevitably become stiff


Therefore, it is safer to warm up before practice




Don’t overdo the intensity


You should choose the one that suits you and don’t force your body to exceed the limit; Choose the exercise intensity that suits you


Just sweat in the body


If you sweat too much in spring, it’s easy to let Yang out of your body


Let’s share a set of Yoga sequence, which can promote detoxification and metabolism by twisting and stretching


It’s very suitable for spring practice   Lie on your back with your left knee bent and your thigh against your abdomen   Hold the front of the leg with both hands, inhale and extend the body   Exhale, press your thighs on your abdomen and relax your shoulders   Keep 5-8 breaths and practice 02 on the opposite side   Lie on your back with your left knee bent and your thighs perpendicular to the ground   Inhale to extend the spine, exhale and twist your legs to the right   Place your right hand on your left knee to help deepen the twist   Press the left shoulder down and bend the elbow, with the big and small arms vertical   Keep 5-8 breaths and practice 03 on the opposite side   Kneel at four corners, hands shoulder width apart   Separate knees and hip width, toes back hook   Inhale, raise your head, collapse your waist, and turn your pelvis up   Exhale, bow your head, arch your back, roll your tailbone down   With breathing, dynamic exercise group 5-8 04   Sit up, bend your knees and place your left foot on the outside of your right hip   Put your right foot on the outside of your left thigh and press your hips evenly on the floor   Inhale, arms up, both sides of the waist extension up   Exhale, turn your body to the right and touch the ground with your right hand   Hold the outside of the right leg with the left hand and deepen the twist   Keep 5-8 breaths and practice 05 on the opposite side   Sit up, knees bent, heels close to hips   Inhale, spine straight up, back extended   Exhale, legs up, legs parallel to the ground   Keep your hands straight forward and your abdomen close to your thighs   Don’t hold your breath


Take 5-8 breaths   Squat, feet apart slightly larger than the hip, toe abduction   Inhale, put your hands on your chest and touch your thumb on your chest   Exhale, sit with your hips back down and your back straight   Place your elbows on the inside of your knees and relax your shoulders   Keep 5-8 breaths, restore 07   Take a big step forward with your right foot from down dog   Fall on the outside of the right hand, and touch the ground behind the knee   Inhale, right hand straight up, twist the body to the right   Exhale, sink hips, relax shoulders, deepen twist


Keep 5-8 breaths, change the opposite side to practice spring breeze for ten miles


It’s better for you to practice yoga in spring than yoga, so that you can live up to the beautiful spring! I am Meimei, pay attention to me, share free courses for you, and we will make progress together!.


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