Several famous yoga masters in the world are all men

There are many famous yoga masters in the world, such as “the father of yoga” Patanjali, “the father of modern yoga” ramakrish and so on


Looking around, yoga masters are all men


Let’s get to know each other! 1


Swami Sivananda (1887.9.8 to 1963.7.14) was the most influential spiritual teacher in the 20th century


He was once a famous doctor and was known as one of the “ten greatest yoga teachers in India”


Sivananda is a doctor


He studied many world religions and combined postures and prayers for daily practice


Living as a wandering monk, he wrote more than 200 books related to yoga and philosophy, thus promoting the teaching of love, purification, power and meditation


In 1957, Sivananda sent his beloved disciple Swami visnudwananda to the West


There, the international Sivananda Yoga Vedic center was established


His main works include the complete understanding of yoga, meditation and mantra, etc


In 1964, another of his disciples, Swami satyanan Saraswati, founded the international Yoga society


Later, Biha Yoga school was established




Krishnamacharya (1888.11.18 to 1989.2.28) is the father of modern yoga


His disciples include many world-famous masters, such as patabi Joyce (astunga), iyanga (Zhengwei FA), and descocha


He is also one of the founders of the modern revival of Hatha Yoga


You may not have heard of him, but t


Krishnamacharya holds six degrees in Indian philosophy and has given lectures and demonstrations across India to promote the psychological, spiritual and physical benefits of yoga


These demonstrations are amazing, including, for example, stopping his heart


He is respected and praised for the revival of hada yoga, which has become the favorite of many practitioners today


He combined pranayama (Pranayama) and Asana (asana), and used both as part of meditation, rather than as steps to meditation


He created the Hatha Yoga sequence, which is divided into elementary, intermediate and advanced postures




Shrek patabhi Jois (Guruji), the disseminator of Ashtanga Yoga, established the Ashtanga Yoga Institute in 1948 and popularized it in Europe and America


At the age of 12, Jois participated in a presentation by T




He developed a deep interest in asana and asked Krishnamacharya to teach him yoga


In three years, he studied deeply under the leadership of Krishnamacharya and was eventually appointed as a teacher of Sanskrit school


Sri Krishna patabhi Jois is one of the four most famous disciples of Krishna, the modern Reviver of Hatha Yoga


The other three include B




seyengar, the author of Yoga light; Indra Devi, known as “the first lady of yoga”; T




desikachar, the son of the master, is also the successor of the viniyoga system that the master of development devoted to research and exploration in his later years


Patabi Joyce has been following krishnama Charlie for 25 years, second only to desikachar, the son of krishnama


He has strictly inherited Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga from yoga Korunta


He has been teaching and researching Ashtanga Yoga for 30 years


He founded Ashtanga Yoga Association in Mysore, India, and devoted his life to maintaining the commitment and integrity of the ancient teachings handed down from the guru


As Ashtanga Yoga spread around the world, he traveled around the world to demonstrate it


The Ashtanga yogi lived and taught in Mysore, India, until his death in 2009




BKS Iyengar was selected as one of the “100 most influential people in the world” by time magazine of the United States, and was praised as the “Michelangelo” of the Yoga world


The Yoga he founded and taught spread all over the world


Known as the world’s greatest yoga master


He is the founder of Iyengar yoga, and his work light of yoga is widely spread, known as the “Yoga Bible”


He invented Yoga AIDS, such as yoga belt, blanket, yoga brick and so on, and taught yoga practice methods to students of all levels


Now he can see them in many different styles of studios




Iyengar is recognized for using yoga to treat various diseases, and his teaching is based on research


He suffered from a serious illness before studying with T




Even at the age of 90, he explored the breakthrough practice of concentration, meditation and even higher consciousness through postural and breathing methods


He brought the true spirit of yoga to the public, and brought the system to the Yoga world all over the world




Bikram Choudhury, an Indian yoga teacher, created high-temperature yoga, also known as hot yoga, which is practicing yoga in a 42 degree room, and has been sought after by many stars


Hot Yoga (26 hatha yoga postures) is performed in a hot room (105 degrees Fahrenheit / 40 degrees Celsius or higher) to mimic the climatic conditions in India


He created this order by adding heat to improve flexibility, and detoxification, where impurities are released through the body’s largest organ (skin)


He started yoga at the age of five with bishnu gosh, Paramahansa’s brother


Bikram claims that with the help of Hasha yoga by bishnu gosh, Choudhury came to the United States in 1970 and set up yoga studios in California and Hawaii


He began to set up a nine week teacher certification course, allowing thousands of Bikram certified coaches to promote Bikram Yoga around the world




Sridharma Mitra sridharma Mitra is a master of modern yoga and a student of Sri Swami kailashananda


Born in a small village in Brazil in 1939, he came to the United States in the 1960s


After meeting with the masters in New York, he began to study and practice the eight limbs of classical yoga


For the next nine years, he was immersed in full-time practice


He created 908 yoga master postures


Since its completion in 1983, nearly 50000 posters have been printed and hung in ashram studios around the world


He founded the Dharma yoga center in New York City, and at the age of 81, he still teaches in college every week..


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