Beautiful picture of Yoga: beautiful water yoga

Outdoor yoga and paddle yoga are very common


Have you ever thought about practicing yoga in water? In recent years, yoga in water has become popular on social media abroad


Let’s have a look at its origin: Yoga in water was brought into public view by Rutgers University in January 2010


When practicing in shallow water, the trainer’s head can come out of the water from time to time to breathe


In standing posture, the head can breathe completely on the water


In deep water, as long as you bring diving equipment, you can also practice water yoga


Because of the resistance of water, it’s harder to complete a yoga pose than on the ground, but it’s much easier to maintain it


Water yoga in vital capacity training effect is also very good


Britta Trubridge, a yoga instructor in the Bahamas and founder of btru yoga, combines her love of yoga with the deep blue sea to take these photos called “Mermaid yoga”


Photos of underwater yoga pose highlight the beauty of yoga


The sea and the peace of yoga


The combination of yoga and free diving makes the practitioner feel closer to the sea, and it can also bring you into a state of meditation


The photos were taken in the clear waters of the Bahamas


Trubridge said the photos were “purely out of love for art and the ocean.”


Let’s enjoy these Mermaid Yoga photos: King of dance tree pigeon bow vishmidoro dog lotus all pigeon King tip: water yoga is beautiful, but we must pay attention to safety, it is best to practice in the company of professional teachers, do not imitate at will..


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