5 yoga postures, regulate endocrine, make skin white and tender, too powerful!

  Yoga postures help you regulate your endocrine 01


Easy to sit, easy to enter, toes back hook, knees close to the ground; 02


The simple shooter enters the sitting position, bends his left knee, pulls his left heel to the perineum, and opens his right foot outward 90 degrees


Inhale, hold your arms high above your head, comb your spine, exhale, hook your right index finger, middle finger and big toe, and bend to the right; Inspiratory reduction, reverse side




Enter in the bunching angle sitting position, bend your knees, with the soles of your feet opposite, and pull toward the perineum


Press your knees down, inhale and comb your spine


Exhale, body forward and down, forehead close to the ground, rise up, slowly restore


04 lower dog baby entry, inhale and look up, toes back, hips too high, shoulder and back down, between the thighs


05 cat pull tail supine, legs bent knee, left leg above, hook left toe, right leg below, hook right toe


Exhale, hold the left leg with the right hand and press it to the ground to the right


Keep your shoulders to the ground and relax


Turn your head to the left


Take it back and do the opposite( The content comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the originator


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