New Yoga Life

Yoga thin belly the fastest 8 actions, mainly by insisting!

Recently, Jiaren left a message asking, what are the fastest movements of Yoga thin belly? In fact, there are many actions in yoga


The key to losing weight quickly depends on persistence


Besides yoga, we should also pay attention to diet and living habits


For example, diet, remember to overeat, and eat too much food that is not easy to digest and easy to flatulence in the abdomen


Many people’s small stomach is fat, which has a lot to do with diet


For example, life habits, one is to try to avoid sitting for more than 2 hours each time, stand up for a walk, rest for 10 minutes, two is the body wet women, try to drink less cold water, pay attention to keep warm in winter


Sedentary and body wet cold heavy, many times is also the cause of abdominal hypertrophy


Yoga thin belly the fastest 8 moves, mainly by insisting on ↓ ↓ action 1 supine on the mat, bend the knees, legs parallel to the mat


In this adjustment 5-8 breaths exhale, the navel as close as possible to the spine, abdomen tight


On this basis, do all the following exercises exhale, head up, until the lower corner of the scapula leaves the mat, chest relax, ribs sink, hands flat, keep 20-30 Second or two hands on both sides of the body 20-30 times, action 2 on the basis of action 1 exhale, straighten the right leg close to the body, hands hold the right leg, straighten the left leg, inhale, hold, exhale, exchange repeat exercise group 8-12 action 3 on the basis of action 1, hands on both sides of the head exhale, right knee close to the abdomen, body right twist, left elbow and right knee as close to inhale, hold, exhale Breath, exchange repeat exercise 8-12 groups of action 4 hands elbow support supine on the mat surface, legs together, big and small legs hold the ball exhale, lift legs close to the abdomen inhale, restore, toes point to repeat exercise 10-20 times action 5 four corners kneeling position, feet exhale on the ball, lift legs away from the mat surface, beginners stay, maintain 10-20 seconds, good physical conditions can use the core force Push the ball back and then take it back


Repeat 8-12 times




Support the right arm and lie on the surface of the pad, with legs and feet together


Exhale and lift the hip up in a straight line


Keep the right arm vertical for 20-30 seconds


Change the other side




Kneel on the surface of the pad, support the body of the pad with the left hand in a straight line


Extend the right leg to the right


Exhale with the right hand on the back of the head and lift the right leg up, Inhale, restore, repeat 10-20 times, change the other side of the action 8, start from the dog down position, lift the left leg, exhale backward and upward, enter the inclined plate, bend the left knee close to the abdomen, repeat 10-12 times, change the other side of yoga


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