This group of yoga postures is the girl’s favorite, shaping beauty depends on it, practice more, stand young!

Girls must want to have a perfect body and keep a beautiful appearance, so they must try yoga


They have prepared several groups of movements that are especially suitable for fairies


If you want to be younger and younger, please join us! Asana 1: lie prone on the ground in half moon style, support the ground with both hands, raise the right arm and leg, and twist the body 90 degrees to the left with the sole of the foot; Straighten your arms and legs, stretch your right leg up, hook your right heel with your right hand, keep your body in a straight line, and look straight ahead


This posture needs a strong sense of balance


If you don’t have confidence, you can use yoga bricks to help you


The half moon style can increase the flexibility of the spine, eliminate the excess fat on the waist, the outside of the hips and the inside of the thighs, and speed up the blood circulation


Posture 2: Rooster variant squats on the ground, arms between legs, palms on the ground; stand on tiptoe with left heel, right leg straight up to the right, left arm extended outward, left hand hooked on the outside of the right foot; keep breathing evenly, keep posture for 30-60 seconds, then change the other side; this posture can strengthen the lines of the arm and the inner thigh, speed up metabolism


Posture 3: Crane cicada squatting on the ground, palm supporting the ground, stand on tiptoe, thighs and legs into 90 degrees, knees close to the upper arm; elbow bending, knees against the upper arm, through the force of the lever, so that the feet off the ground, to maintain body balance; this posture requires enough arm strength and a certain sense of balance, generally maintain posture for 20 seconds; Crane cicada can increase the coordination and control ability of the body, increase the strength of the arm, and reduce the weight of the waist and abdomen


Posture 4: Tiger variant kneels on the ground with palms on the ground, leans forward and turns to the left; right arm is flat on the ground, head is close to the ground, right leg is extended backward, left arm is extended backward, left hand hooks right foot; keep body balance, 30 seconds each time can achieve the effect; tiger can improve the whole body blood circulation, lift buttocks, thin legs, flexible spine, strong reproductive organs


Posture 5: sit and stand with the right foot across the left knee and put it on the ground, with the left heel adducted to the hip; straighten the arms, put the left hand on the right ankle, keep the spine upright, twist the body to the right, open the right shoulder backward, support the ground with the right finger belly, and turn the head to the right back; this posture is more elegant, and you can enjoy the surrounding scenery at the same time; Spine twisting can reduce belly, relieve spinal stiffness caused by long-term sedentary, slim and keep fit


Posture 6: elbow handstand variant, with arms on the ground, elbows aligned with shoulders, feet and hips the same width; raise the hips, lift the right leg up, jump up, right leg straight, left leg bent, right hand extended to the right, keep balance; at the beginning, if you can’t finish it smoothly, you can use yoga bricks, practice more, there will be surprise; This posture can promote blood circulation, strengthen the muscles of the whole body and relieve physical and mental fatigue


Posture 7: Wuwang variant mountain stance, arms to both sides to maintain balance, bend the right knee, raise the right foot; upper body straight, move down, while the right leg up, two thighs in a straight line, the right hand to grasp the right foot, the left hand on the left ankle; Wuwang has a certain degree of difficulty, you can slowly try, do not worry; More practice can make the body elegant, strong muscles, can also beautify the leg line oh


After practicing these postures, do you feel boundless youth and full of vitality.


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