New Yoga Life

Yoga beginners, how to choose a reliable professional yoga teacher?

As a yoga practitioner, I don’t know how to judge a suitable teacher? As a potential yoga teacher, I am looking forward to meeting and following a professional teacher


Do you need to go deep or withdraw your current posture, and which way is suitable for you to correct? The teacher needs to adjust it in one step


As we all know, a teacher who only talks about the name of the style, does not guide the main points and does not make corrections must not be a competent teacher


This can judge the teacher’s professional skills


Some teachers will guide you according to their own practice habits, some teachers can be familiar with a variety of ways to help you adjust in the most suitable way


I appreciate the teacher who can let students learn new things in every class


It can be seen from the above that asana is the third step of yoga practice


Please observe carefully


Of course, there are countless yoga masters who are still in excellent shape at the age of 70 or 80


Often see this scene in the gym, many beginners always like to hide in the last corner of the class, the coach to avoid embarrassment only symbolic end of the circle


On the basis of this arrangement principle, there can be appropriate evolution


Usually, we need to judge and choose a teacher from the following aspects: first, the teaching methods and contents, the basic teaching methods are only do not say, half do and half say, only say but not do


If you are a mature practitioner for many years and can always keep harmony and happiness when entering a pose, you can’t criticize the teacher, but need to learn to control consciousness and get rid of distractions


Similarly, yoga teachers are very angry and consume energy when they are demonstrating postures


Therefore, as a student, what you need to do is: 1


Most of the teachers who practice Hatha and Yin have soft bodies; most of the teachers who focus on Ashtanga and flow have muscular lines; most of the teachers who only practice eyengar have average bodies


According to the personal habits of teachers, there will be changes


There are many ways to reduce the joint pressure here: four eccentric contractions of popliteal muscles and thighs drive the patella up or the forefoot press the gastrocnemius soleus tightly or strong contractions of the front leg buttocks and lateral hips stabilize the gravity and bend the knee autonomously wait


Strictly speaking, there are 180 key points in this posture


How much content can you gain from a class, and whether the teacher constantly changes the same course every time, which can reflect the teacher’s intention


But his few words and correction methods can benefit the students a lot


The most obvious feeling of the scientific arrangement of a class is that you are relaxed and energetic after the class


“Students are my teachers, and the body is my guru!” We need to hold the mentality of students all our life to learn from each other


Body shape is not the criterion for judging teachers


I wish you all have the chance to meet a good teacher, enjoy your life! @ @ @ @ teacher wechat @ @ @ recent Haowen @ @ today’s preferred Yoga tutors are all watching.


Again, every mature and excellent teacher has his own unique teaching style, and it is impossible to take care of the details of every student in every class


Pay attention to basic theoretical knowledge and physiological anatomy, and do enough homework before class (be familiar with the course and teaching methods) Protect your body to make greater progress


The teaching contents generally include meditation, recitation, energy analysis, key points of postural guidance, dynamic analysis of skeletal muscle, etc


Teachers often pay attention to the problem of knee hyperextension pressure on the side of lateral extension


A student once told me that she felt that the teacher’s constant talking about the main points of postures in class would interfere with her concentration and affect her meditation


Please believe that such teachers are more competent


Focus on class, listen and ask more, and learn to distinguish the good teachers suitable for you from the details; 2


The whole process needs a smooth circulation of Qi, blood and energy


He can’t attend his class without doing enough homework in private


It is impossible to analyze all of them in 5-7 short breathing time


Yoga itself has no fixed form, no absolute right and wrong problem, every excellent teacher has its own unique teaching style and training methods


2、 The most basic postures of a class need to be arranged in the order of standing, squatting, supine, prone and sitting (reverse order)


The names of postures are mostly Sanskrit


Treat the yoga class dialectically and objectively, accept different teaching styles, and learn what you need from different good teachers; 3


If you feel tired and heavy after the class, if it’s not your own practice problem, it’s the teacher’s posture arrangement is not scientific enough


3、 In a class, the teacher needs to observe the physical condition of all the students quickly enough in the class inquiry and warm body posture


Everyone who has attended his class knows that he never makes any demonstration of postures in class


He only does oral and Indian English


Many excellent yoga teachers, on weekdays, regularly go to various yoga studios to experience the lessons of different tutors, one is to steal the teacher’s strong points to make up for their weaknesses, the other is to observe the problems that other tutors will encounter in class from the perspective of students, so as to be on guard


Yoga is a subject worthy of our lifelong study


Therefore, many teachers are trying to reduce postures to oral presentation only


The arrangement of negative postures and positive postures is reasonable


MH, a famous Indian yoga instructor in China, is not in good shape


The teacher’s own character and experience determine the characteristics of his curriculum


The main points and analysis of the postures mentioned by the teacher in class can not only remind you to keep the correct postures and avoid injury, but also let your mind focus on the postures


The eight branches mentioned in Yoga Sutra are: Zhijie Yama; Neizhi niyama; asana; pranayama for breath control; pratyahara for sense of control; dharana for concentration; Dhyana for meditation; Samadhi


The key points of a professional teacher’s postures are not recited, but taught dynamically according to his own experience and the students in the classroom


Professional teachers must teach according to the person


Yoga is not for the body, asana is only a process of stabilizing the mind and controlling the fluctuation of consciousness, but now “asana effect” is ignored Infinite magnification


When we do postures, we all require that we should not open our mouth when we inhale and exhale


Every mature teacher can’t be copied


Take the Utthita Trikonasana triangle stretching as an example


4、 About the body, really! Don’t put too much emphasis on the teacher’s figure! BKS.Iyengar Master’s figure has never been good, he is still our most respected Master


Describing and analyzing postures is far more troublesome than demonstrating them, and teachers have more time to observe and correct students It’s a good pose


After adjustment, you can feel more relaxed and stable


Different schools focus on different ways and purposes of cultivation


There is a Jia person who said, “Yoga is a philosophy, but now it has been narrowed down to the benefits of postures to the body.” that’s very good


Therefore, how the teacher corrects your posture in class is the best way to see the teacher’s accomplishments


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