New Yoga Life

Use couple yoga to lose weight

Two people sit face to face, knees bent, four feet touching


Inhale, left arm flat, right hand straight and girls hold the left hand


Boys lift their left leg, girls lift their right leg


Two people stand close to each other in mountain style


Look back, hold 5 breaths, change sides


The warrior type II can enhance the balance of human body and exercise the strength of thigh


First, exhale thoroughly


Action: 1




And practicing couple yoga can not only cultivate body and mind, burn fat to lose weight, but also promote the communication between body and mind between you and her (him)


The harm of lack of exercise is not only making people fat, but also making people suffer from neck and shoulder diseases, cardiovascular disease, decreased immunity, muscle loss, weakness and other health problems


Stay for 5 breaths, and then slowly return to mountain standing


Double tree effect: this yoga pose can nourish and strengthen the muscles of legs, back and chest


The other hand of two people, put lightly on the knee where they lift that leg respectively


Actions: 1


Function: this position needs to rely on the sciatic bone and tailbone to balance the body, which can effectively strengthen the abdominal and gluteal flexors


It’s easy to lose weight.


Some friends who are keen on yoga and have daily practice can try it


The girl stands with her legs together and bends her right leg backward


Yoga is an excellent exercise


The girl lies on the mat with her legs together and her arms on both sides of her body




Action: 1




Inhale, straighten your back; exhale, pull your left hand with your right hand, and slowly twist your body to the left


Action: 1


The right hand grasps the sole of the foot, pulls the right leg to extend upward as far as possible, the body center of gravity falls on the left leg




Use couple yoga to lose weight


Sit face to face with your knees on the plate


Action: 1


When exhaling, bend the right knee so that the lower leg and trunk are perpendicular to the ground




Inhale, keep feet straight, straighten back as far as possible, lengthen cervical spine; exhale, relax shoulders and sink, inhale 5 times




The following actions are relatively simple, beginners might as well try


Practicing yoga can fight against aging, increase disease resistance and eliminate fat


When inhaling, slowly raise your head and chest, lift your spine one by one, and put your arms back


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1、 For some friends who don’t have yoga skills, in order to avoid strain, Xiaobian suggests that you don’t try difficult yoga movements at first, you can learn simple movements step by step


Effect of dance style + warrior style: dance style can exercise all joints and muscles of the whole city, making the body more flexible


Strengthen two ankles, improve the stability and balance of human body


Cobra plus magic chair effect: Cobra strengthens all the back muscles and helps the spine recover elasticity


2、 Advanced version of the difficulty of some of the following actions and tacit understanding between the two requirements are higher


The phantom chair can strengthen the back and legs


Now let the yoga teacher hand in hand to teach you how to use yoga to express love


The boy takes the girl’s backward extended hands, legs apart, respectively placed on the left and right sides of the girl’s knees, bending the knees and bending the upper body forward 45 degrees, back straight, help the girl stretch back


In a variety of unhealthy lifestyles, “lack of exercise” ranks first, which is a common phenomenon among the five groups




Therefore, to be healthy and slim, you have to exercise more


Try to sit in a comfortable posture for both of you


Among them, “white collar men” is the most prominent, accounting for 63.1%


The girl extends her left hand to her waist and holds the boy’s right hand, while the right hand holds the boy’s left hand


The raised foot is up, close to the heel of the other thigh, and the weight falls on the standing leg


Simple twist function: adjust the whole function of the spine by twisting, make the spine straight and elastic, and the energy is easy to go up




Keep your left hand straight up


You can sit in lotus or simply


The boys’ right arm is straight up, and the girls’ left arm is straight up, holding the boys’ hands


Hold your partner’s hands, place your right foot on the bottom of your partner’s right foot, and then slowly straighten your right leg to the sky, and your left foot to the sky in the same way


Boys stand first, with their feet separated by a large distance, right foot 90 degrees to the right, left toe facing square, right heel facing left foot arch


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