Happy new year in the year of the ox . Yuanxin Yoga wishes everyone a happy new year and a good year of the ox!
Year: 2021

2 . 5 . 6 . Stretch the adductor muscle of thigh and lie on your back, lift your legs up and perpendicular to your

We also present its connotation from more elements, such as awe, courage, empathy, repair and stability . Different people receive the light of Yoga based

However, Gambi has become more and more delicate in recent years, looking ruddy and full of vitality, and has a tug of war with LV

In June 2018, it participated in the sixth anniversary of Iyengar Yoga Association and the “flow and stability” workshop 2018 In November of 2019, she

Finally, forget the definition, feel it from the heart, and listen to the inner nature . Zhengjian is an easy to understand guide to Buddhism

Spine twist supine, bend knees 5 . Sit and stand in a beam angle position, bend knees, heel close to perineum, feet close together, feet

Although the intensity of yoga exercise is not big, in fact, because many movements need to maintain a posture for a long time, the requirement

Inverted stereoscopic posture is not suitable for wearing contact lenses . Inverted posture is not suitable for female physiological period, hypertension, glaucoma and ear disease

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