From the fascia point of view, it may be that the fascia at the back of the whole body is tense, including the back watch
Year: 2021

Yoga is to practice, not to wait for love, but to act . You need to strive to take yoga as a life thing .

Yoga practitioners are also easy to enter the pit . This kind of pressure can be stimulated by the postural photos of friends or even

For example, even if you are yoga fitness, you may experience yoga after meditating, breathing and meditating for a few minutes at the end –

If you lower your head, you can see three layers of meat Teacher Qu told me to relax.. . If you don’t practice yoga for

Look at the comparison chart before and after, do you still have no confidence in yourself? 07 it’s too cold for Yoga? If you look

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Holiday notice to welcome the Spring Festival February 8, 2021 February 18, 2021 holiday February 19, 2021 formal opening wish you a happy new year,

Namaste! 。 . Looking forward to 2021, in the new year, we will continue to work hand in hand with you . Enhance immunity, improve physical

Step 1: standing position, feet slightly apart, arms open, lift up, inhale, chest and abdomen, hands and arms to the back of the body .