In order to achieve the feeling of stretching at the back of the thigh, focus on putting the weight equally on the thigh and heel
Year: 2021

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There are 1000 + posts on INS, and 250000 followers . Not only the spine is more flexible, but also the hips and shoulders are

This position can eliminate the back pain, improve the function of abdominal organs, and strengthen the buttock muscles . Lasso twist effect: this yoga posture

Friends said that there are many problems about this “wonderful flower” . From a Xiaobai to a qualified yoga teacher, you need to invest a

What’s more complicated is your fear of difficulties . Her name is Heidi . She was raped when she was young, so she suffered from

The bell of 2021 is about to ring, and 2020 is about to pass . At the arrival of this new year, let’s look back

Straighten the legs, press the heels to the floor as far as possible, but do not force; straighten the arms, push the upper body to

On the contrary, you’re definitely thin, fat and sexy . You may not have changed your weight, but you look obviously thin . In fact,

5, put two yoga bricks under the shoulders, and maintain the support 4-pillar support position exhale, abdominal, legs bent knee point to inhale, restore, dynamic