ID: jfjiqiao this series of lower body squatting is a big collection, all the classic movements are available, just can do a little choreography, into
Month: April 2021

Yoga entry-level postures, from the beginning to the end, each action is coherent, quickly reach the entry level . If you want to start practicing

Although some people get the effect of yoga practice from yoga postures, they can’t understand the philosophy of yoga . Those practitioners who have been

01 . Misconception of the Zhengjue group on the earth of the yogi . Misconception 1: Xiao Pingshi, the Dharma Master of the Zhengjue group,

Let everyone you meet smile from the bottom of your heart . Teacher Yang Qi’s exclusive recitation of “the other side” course . The tutor

You are welcome to pay attention to Jiaren who have good hair style . I invite friends to come home to enjoy the flowers every

hot wire! The small class of natural color yoga and fat burning exercises begins to recruit students! Whether you are taking diet pills or milkshakes,

hot wire! The small class of natural yoga and classical dance begins to recruit students . It’s not terrible to teach with zero basis .

It’s not yoga on the Yoga Road, it’s Yoga on the Yoga road . Anyway, don’t forget the yoga practice every day . Today, I

Youcannotdomeditationbutyo ucanbecomemeditative.Meditationisacertainquality . Itisnotacertainact.Ifyoucultivateyourbody ,yourmind,yourenergiesandyouremotionstoacertainlevelofmaturity,meditatio nwillnaturallyhappen.Itisjustlikeifyoukeepthesoilfertile ,ifyougiveitthenecessarymanureandwaterandiftherightkindofseedisthere, You can’t meditate, but you can become a meditative state . Meditation is a trait, it’s not a