How to keep the seasoning at home? Seasoning suitable for refrigeration in refrigerator; mayonnaise: easy to change taste if stored at room temperature . It’s
Month: March 2021

B exhale, trunk back, while raising legs, relying on the buttocks to maintain body balance . 02 | full boat a walking stick position .

Baby down dog with legs close together, instep and calf close to the ground, buttocks sit on heels, abdomen close to thighs, forehead point, arms

Lie on the left side of the mat, support the left elbow, pay attention to the core tightening, exhale steadily from the pelvis, bend the

The lower abdomen corresponds to the deep transverse abdominal muscle of our body, which is the deepest core muscle, also known as the human body’s

Perhaps the brain moves faster than your body, or your body fails to complete the brain’s instructions due to the lack of proper guidance of

Keep the legs straight and breathe naturally for 3-5 minutes . With exhalation, the trunk is down, and both hands are on the mat .

Replace the left and right legs 5 times each . For the fat around the waist, if you keep practicing every day, you can quickly

It’s amazing! However, there are also some special movements for some parts, such as the elbow plate support exercise core and arm, such as boat

The best time is before 8 o’clock in the morning . They just know the word yoga very well . When exhaling, the diaphragm moves